Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Tending Roses: A Review

The lessons that most enrich our lives often come at unexpected moments and from unlikely places. That’s what Kate Bowman learns when she moves temporarily—with her husband, Ben, and baby son—to her grandmother’s Missouri farm. She arrives at a time of crisis and indecision—struggling with the demands of a new mother, a not-so-new wife, and a well-meaning but often impatient granddaughter. The family has assigned her and Ben the job of convincing Grandma Rose, who’s becoming increasingly stubborn and forgetful, to move off the land that means so much to her and into a nursing home. Kate knows  such a change would break her grandmother’s heart. But what is right for her grandmother? And what is right for her family and herself?
This is a fascinating story, well written by Lisa Wingate.  It includes various members of the family who come together at Christmas time at Grandmother Rose’s home on the farm in Missouri.
It is a story of a family pulling together after having been very separated and dysfunctional.

Grandmother Rose’s journal helps Kate to understand so many things about Grandmother and what is important to her.
If you like a good story I encourage you to get this one and read it.  If your local bookstore does not have a copy it is available from various on line venues including Amazon.com

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