Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Skull and the Cross: A Review

The author of this book is Pastor Tom an Avid Biker. More than just riding he loves witnessing to people—especially fellow bikers. Some might call him the missionary rider.

He has chalked up hundreds of thousands of miles riding his Harleys on missionary trips. Pastor Tom has ridden through all 50 states including Alaska. Sturgis, Daytona Beach, Myrtle Beach, Rolling Thunder, and numerous other rallies, which are just some of his mission trips.

As Pastor Tom takes these “soul-searching” trips, he always carries life-saving books and pamphlets to share along the way. He founded Bible Biker Ministries (www.BibleBiker.com), is a member of the Christian Motorcylist Association (CMA) and also the director of Rev it UP! Revival, an annual camp meeting held in Mount Vernon, Ohio. He is currently the pastor of the Newark Church in Newark, Ohio.

He writes:

Christian’s Don’t Get Bikers and Bikers Don’t Get Christians.

In this book he tells of his research that brought out that The Skull and the Cross have been Christian Symbols before they became bikers’ symbols

Amazingly, the word Calvary literally means “Skull” I was shocked by what I found, and you might be also. One thing is for sure, after you read this book, you will never look at the skull and the cross in the same way again.

You can order a copy of this book directly from the author pastortomhughes@gmail.com  or check with your local book store. Pastor hugh's Website

A Distance Too Grand: A Review

This is the 1st book in the new American Wonders Collection. This one is about the Grand Canyon and is published this year 1919 in celebration of the fact that Grand Canyon became a National Park in 1819.

The author has written a fascinating novel- so well written that as my wife and I read it, we could visualize the Grand Canyon from the descriptive words the author uses to describe views of the Grand Canyon that were taken by Meg Pero, the photographer for one of the expeditions there.

In this story Meg Pero had grown up helping her photographer father to take pictures since she was big enough to carry his equipment.

After her father dies, she decides to take over his profession and starts with fulfilling the contract he signed to serve on an army survey of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in 1871. What she doesn’t realize is that the leader of the expedition is the very man she once refused to marry.

Check with your local bookstore or order online from Amazon.com or other online venues.

The ISBN for the book is  9780-0-8007-3639-2

Perfect Grace-It's All About Jesus: A Review

I recommend this book by Pastor Thomas M. Hughes, which I just recently finished reading and was very blessed by what I read.

Before I say more about the book, let me share a few quotes and thoughts on the Gospel and Grace:

A quote from the 16th century reformer, Martin Luther “We need to hear the Gospel every day because we forget it everyday.”

This one I heard from Robert Folkenberg, Seventh-day Adventist pastor and leader: “I met a neighbor who belonged to a Sunday –keeping church. The neighbor asked me-‘do Adventists believe in grace?’ to which Pastor Folkenberg replied, “We believe in grace even more than you do! You only believe in grace for 9 commandments but we believe in grace for all 10.”

My daddy said the letters that spell grace stand for-God’s riches at Christ’s expense.

The book Perfect Grace reminded me of the blessed grace which Jesus has provided for us through His death for us. Here are a few statements that the author made or quoted that I especially like.

Unfortunately, too many of are “achievers rather” than “receivers.”

Your hope is not in yourself; it is in Christ (from the book Steps to Christ.)

Christ’s character stands in place of your character, and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned. (from the book Steps to Christ)

Jesus saves us by His perfect grace alone! He is our only perfection, our only righteousness, our only hope!

As God is holy in His sphere, so fallen man, through faith in Christ is to be holy in his sphere… (from the book Acts of the Apostles)

God’s perfect grace needs no improvement from us.

You can order this book directly from the author. Email him at pastortomhughes@gmail.com  or check with your local Christian book store.To order on line go to Pastor hugh's Website

Monday, December 16, 2019

2 Books by Dan Day: A Review

I recently read two new books by Dan Day an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister who is the director of special projects for the North American Division headquarters in Columbia Maryland.

8 Secrets to a Mission-Driven Church- Understanding the impact of Strategic Thinking and Deliberate Action

Here are the 8 Secrets:

It is Not Really About Being the Smartest Person in the Room

If You Are Going to Do Something Important, Be Strategic

If the Idea is Good, You Still Have to Market It

Advancing Mission Through Adventist Grit

The Best Future Starts With a Culture of Health

How Emotional, Social, and Spiritual Intelligence Help Us Become Healthier

Holding it Together-Making Church Our Safe Place

How Hope and Wholeness Transform Adventism

Read the first chapter on line, click here.

The Role of the Local Elder-Applying Best Practices for Congregational Leadership

This book is about the local Elder in the church and especially about the head elder. It really shows the importance of the head elder in the leadership of the church and what a vast opportunity he or she has in their leadership of their local church.

Some of the subjects Dan Day covers are:

The Story of the Local Elder in the Bible

The Elder as Shepherd and Teacher

How Nurture Results in Sustainable Church Growth

Providing Leadership Through Times of Crisis

Leading the Church Into Community Engagement

One of the special emphases in the book is the significant influence that the local elder has and that in many instances he may know the congregation and community even more than the local pastor does.

To read the first chapter of this fine book please click here.

America 1844: A Review


1844 was a significant year in the history of the United States!

The presidential election of 1844 was one of the most momentous elections in American history. Had Henry Clay won instead of James K. Polk, we’d be living in a very different country today. Polk’s victory cemented the westward expansion that brought Texas, California, and Oregon into the union. It also took place amid religious turmoil that included anti-Mormon and anti-Catholic violence and the “Great Disappointment,’ in which thousands of followers of an obscure preacher named William Miller believed Christ would return to earth in October 1844.

Author and journalist John Bicknell details even more compelling, interwoven events that occurred during this momentous year: the murder of Joseph Smith, the religious fermentation of the Second Great Awakening, John C Fremont’s exploration of the West, Charles Goodyear’s patenting of vulcanized rubber, the near –death of President John Tyler in a freak naval explosion, and much more—Democrats versus Whigs, Mormons versus Millerites, nativists versus Catholics, those who risked the venture westward versus those who stayed safely behind—and how Polk’s election cemented the vision of a continental nation.

I was inspired by reading this book and learning about so many momentous happenings all in one year.

I believe God led in the things that happened. A  quote that I often  think of states “Above the distractions of this earth God sit’s enthroned. All things are open to His divine survey, and from his great and calm eternity He orders that which His providence sees best.” By Ellen G White

Above All-The Gospel Is The Source Of The Church's Renewal: A Review

Is Gospel Christianity Dead? Pundits are writing the obituary of historic, orthodox Christianity, but pastor and author J.D. Grear believes the post-mortems are premature.

Jesus promised to build his church. He said that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The church is not going away. Along with this promise, Jesus gave clear instructions for how the church would prevail. He promised to build it on the rock of the gospel.

The most pressing need for Christianity today is not a new strategy. It is not an updated message. It is a return to keeping the gospel above all.

What is the Gospel?

The Gospel is the good news that:

We were dead in our trespasses and sin.

Religion couldn’t help us

New resolutions to change couldn’t help us.

Jesus, the baby born of a virgin in Bethlehem was the Son of God.

He did what we couldn’t do. He lived a righteous life that pleased God.

Still he got crucified on a cross under the curse of sin.

He did that for us.

He died in our place.

But Jesus was raised from the grave to offer new life in his Spirit

Jesus gives this new life to all who call upon him in faith.

‘Therefore there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus’ Rom 8:1.

And now Christ has redeemed us to a life of a love and service where we can reflect to others what he has done for us

The author tells of a conversation he had shortly after he had accepted the call to ministry.

“I had a chance to sit down with a famous senator who had always been a kind of political hero to my family and me,” he writes, “[the Senator] was in his late eighties and had been engaged in politics for decades” so “I told him that I had strongly considered going into politics, but God had called me into ministry.”

“Oh, son,” he said. “You made the right choice. Preaching the gospel to the next generation is far more important than anything I have accomplished on Capitol Hill.”

The author goes on to state that God calls some people into politics and we need to pray for them. But we should never forget that preaching the gospel is the most important thing.

You can purchase this book at your local book store or order it on line.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Devotionals for 2020

True Christian Living doesn’t require perfection, but it does require connection. Jesus gave us an example in Mark 1:35, ‘Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.’ (NIV). Constant connection to God provides power when we are weak, hope when we despair, and love when we feel alone. Set your Pacific Press devotional book on the bathroom counter or the breakfast table as a visual reminder to start your day with power, hope, and love.

There are eight different devotionals from Pacific Press, especially for 2020 meant for different members of the family. Below are links you’ll find description of each book and be able to read online the first chapter of each book for free!

Adult- Jesus Wins by Elizabeth Viera Talbot.  Click here.

Adult Evening-My Life Today by Ellen G White. Click here.

Women’s I Am Loved-Carolyn Rathbun Sutton-editor. Click here.

Young Adult Compassion by Troy Fitzgerald  Click here.

Teen I Am A Witness by Kalie Kelch-Click here.

Junior-Eyes of the Crocodile by Charles Mills-Click here.

Primary-Hiking With Jesus by Jim Feldbush-Click here.

Preschool Hugs From Jesus by Sally Pierson Dillon-Click here.

You will be the same in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read. Charlie “Tremendous” Jones from his book Life is Tremendous.

Reading a Daily Devotional Book daily is a good start on changing your life.

Preaching From the Grave: A Review

This is A Story of Faith from the Rwanda Genocide.

Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe tells the story of how God protected him in Rwanda during the Genocide.

He was 23 years old and had grown up with a loving family in Rwanda.

In 1994 the Genocide broke loose with Hutu extremists killing more than a million Tutsis in just 100 days.

Phodidas dedicated his life to God and was determined to remain faithful to Him. Many miracles happened to him as he fled for his life. His ID card of course identified him as a Tutsi. Time and again one of the militant Hutus would approach him to kill him and at the last moment, turn aside as if a wall had blocked him from carrying out his intentions. Of course he was praying.

Read the story of how he was forced to dig his own grave and permission to preach to them before they killed him. Miraculously, he was permitted to preach, and the militants decided to spare his life. They even had a couple of the militants take him to their house so they could protect him there. That did not work well for long.

Finally the Genocide was over and he was able to go back to his home town. All the other members of his immediate family were killed.

He soon started preaching in various churches and then organized and led an evangelistic series.

It is a great story of faith and you can read the first chapter on line for free- just click here.

Christmas in My Heart # 28: A Review

I love Christmas Stories and have especially enjoyed the Christmas in My Heart series ever since volume 1 came out 28 years ago!

Each year, one of these books comes out and they have all been loved by so many people. Joe Wheeler who has compiled and edited this series has been dubbed by Dr James Dobson as “America’s Keeper of The Story.

This volume # 28 is Dr. Wheeler’s favorite story from each of the books #’s 1-13. He has written a special introduction to each story that ties it with how the series was developing at the time when the specific volume was published.

My wife and I have read the new volume and have enjoyed it a lot. If you have not gotten all the books in the series, this is a good way to get started on this sampling of the first 13 books.

To start, click here and you’ll be able to read the first chapter of this new volume on line for free.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

One More River: A Review

New York Times and CBA bestselling and award winning author Jane Kirpatrick’s recent book  One More River is an amazing story of  a party of 50 who traveled from St. Louis Missouri out to California in covered wagons, horseback and walking in starting in 1844 and arriving in California in 1845. This was the first wagon train into California through the Sierra Nevadas.

In 1844, two years before the Conner Party, the Stephens-Murphy-Townsend company leaves Missouri to be the first wagons into California through the Sierra Nevada. They enjoy a safe journey—until October, when a fierce mountain snowstorm forces difficult decisions.

The party separates in three directions. Some go overland around Lake Tahoe. Others stay to guard the heaviest wagons. The rest of the party, including eight women and seventeen children, huddle in a makeshift cabin at the headwaters of the Yuba River awaiting rescue. The months ahead will be long and at times terrifying. But with friendship, family, and enough courage to overcome their fear, these intrepid pioneers will discover what truly matters in times of trial.

This novel is based on a true story for which the author did diligent research to learn as much as possible about this incredible journey. In this story she emphasizes the strength, courage and fortitude of the women as well as the men.

When the group of mostly women and children had to wait in the makeshift cabin through the winter awaiting rescue one has to admire their courage as they made do with very little food.

It is an amazing story of how these intrepid pioneers never gave up and did what was necessary to survive.

Courage doesn’t always roar . Sometimes courage is that little voice that at the end of the day says “I’ll try again tomorrow.” Mary Anne Radmacher

Check for this inspiring book at your favorite book store or order it on line.

Called to Forgive: A Review

The author of this new book, Anthony B. Thompson is the pastor of Holy Trinity Reformed Episcopal Church of Charleston, SC. His wife Myra Thompson was one of the victims in the Charleston Church Shooting at the Mother Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston SC.

This is the story of what happened that night when the shooting took place:

On June 17, 2015, Dylan Roof, a young white man, attended the Wednesday evening Bible Study at the predominantly black Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. An hour later, Roof pulled a concealed weapon and killed nine African-Americans as they prayed including Myra Thompson, the wife of Reverend Anthony Thompson. Myra’s murder devastated Anthony, yet he chose to privately and publicly forgive the shooter.

Many in the church and community still struggle to understand Reverend Thompson’s deliberate choice to forgive the racist murderer. But as Charlestonians witnessed this incredible act of forgiveness, something significant happened within the community. Instead of the expected racial riots in the aftermath of the shooting, black and white leaders and residents united, coming together peaceably and even showing acts of selfless love.

This book is the account of Reverend Thompson wife’s murder, the grief he experienced, and the radical choice to forgive the killer. But beyond that, Reverend Thompson casts a compelling vision of the power of forgiveness to transform our lives-personally, in our communities, and even in our nation.

Be inspired by this remarkable story and discover how the difficult decision to forgive can become the key to radical change.

The author not only tells his personal story of loss and forgiveness but also tells of others who have exercised the choice to forgive.

The author says that he had to forgive so he would no longer be controlled by what happened to his wife. Also he has written to Roof and is praying that he will turn to God and be able to receive the forgiveness which he needs.

Look for this book in your favorite book store or order on line.

A Living Sacrifice: A Review

From the time of the apostles and especially the Apostle Paul there have been many missionaries’ fulfilling Jesus’s mandate: “Go ye into al the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” which I to Adventist is still a very important calling. If you have grown up going to Sabbath School and to church school you should definitely have heard a lot of mission stories. However many stories have fallen under the radar so to speak.

David Trim author of this collection of missionary stories mostly tells stories of little-known missionaries.

In the late 19th century and early 20th century many missionaries went forth from the United States to many parts of the world. Many died at a young age (in their 20’s or 30’s) due to diseases that they got in various parts of the world to which they were sent.

Often the missionaries coming from the United States unused to the severe tropical weather and other privations which they endured in these far-flung mission fields died within a few short years of arrival in their mission territory. But somehow almost always there were more missionaries ready to answer the call to go and preach the gospel.

This book is inspiring and can also made me feel extremely blessed to be able to live in surroundings that are so much more healthful than many of these “Unsung Heroes of Adventist Missions” gave their lives literally.

Click here and you can read on line the first chapter of this remarkable book.