Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Perfect Grace-It's All About Jesus: A Review

I recommend this book by Pastor Thomas M. Hughes, which I just recently finished reading and was very blessed by what I read.

Before I say more about the book, let me share a few quotes and thoughts on the Gospel and Grace:

A quote from the 16th century reformer, Martin Luther “We need to hear the Gospel every day because we forget it everyday.”

This one I heard from Robert Folkenberg, Seventh-day Adventist pastor and leader: “I met a neighbor who belonged to a Sunday –keeping church. The neighbor asked me-‘do Adventists believe in grace?’ to which Pastor Folkenberg replied, “We believe in grace even more than you do! You only believe in grace for 9 commandments but we believe in grace for all 10.”

My daddy said the letters that spell grace stand for-God’s riches at Christ’s expense.

The book Perfect Grace reminded me of the blessed grace which Jesus has provided for us through His death for us. Here are a few statements that the author made or quoted that I especially like.

Unfortunately, too many of are “achievers rather” than “receivers.”

Your hope is not in yourself; it is in Christ (from the book Steps to Christ.)

Christ’s character stands in place of your character, and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned. (from the book Steps to Christ)

Jesus saves us by His perfect grace alone! He is our only perfection, our only righteousness, our only hope!

As God is holy in His sphere, so fallen man, through faith in Christ is to be holy in his sphere… (from the book Acts of the Apostles)

God’s perfect grace needs no improvement from us.

You can order this book directly from the author. Email him at pastortomhughes@gmail.com  or check with your local Christian book store.To order on line go to Pastor hugh's Website

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