Sunday, December 1, 2019

A Living Sacrifice: A Review

From the time of the apostles and especially the Apostle Paul there have been many missionaries’ fulfilling Jesus’s mandate: “Go ye into al the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” which I to Adventist is still a very important calling. If you have grown up going to Sabbath School and to church school you should definitely have heard a lot of mission stories. However many stories have fallen under the radar so to speak.

David Trim author of this collection of missionary stories mostly tells stories of little-known missionaries.

In the late 19th century and early 20th century many missionaries went forth from the United States to many parts of the world. Many died at a young age (in their 20’s or 30’s) due to diseases that they got in various parts of the world to which they were sent.

Often the missionaries coming from the United States unused to the severe tropical weather and other privations which they endured in these far-flung mission fields died within a few short years of arrival in their mission territory. But somehow almost always there were more missionaries ready to answer the call to go and preach the gospel.

This book is inspiring and can also made me feel extremely blessed to be able to live in surroundings that are so much more healthful than many of these “Unsung Heroes of Adventist Missions” gave their lives literally.

Click here and you can read on line the first chapter of this remarkable book.

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