Monday, December 16, 2019

2 Books by Dan Day: A Review

I recently read two new books by Dan Day an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister who is the director of special projects for the North American Division headquarters in Columbia Maryland.

8 Secrets to a Mission-Driven Church- Understanding the impact of Strategic Thinking and Deliberate Action

Here are the 8 Secrets:

It is Not Really About Being the Smartest Person in the Room

If You Are Going to Do Something Important, Be Strategic

If the Idea is Good, You Still Have to Market It

Advancing Mission Through Adventist Grit

The Best Future Starts With a Culture of Health

How Emotional, Social, and Spiritual Intelligence Help Us Become Healthier

Holding it Together-Making Church Our Safe Place

How Hope and Wholeness Transform Adventism

Read the first chapter on line, click here.

The Role of the Local Elder-Applying Best Practices for Congregational Leadership

This book is about the local Elder in the church and especially about the head elder. It really shows the importance of the head elder in the leadership of the church and what a vast opportunity he or she has in their leadership of their local church.

Some of the subjects Dan Day covers are:

The Story of the Local Elder in the Bible

The Elder as Shepherd and Teacher

How Nurture Results in Sustainable Church Growth

Providing Leadership Through Times of Crisis

Leading the Church Into Community Engagement

One of the special emphases in the book is the significant influence that the local elder has and that in many instances he may know the congregation and community even more than the local pastor does.

To read the first chapter of this fine book please click here.

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