Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Preaching From the Grave: A Review

This is A Story of Faith from the Rwanda Genocide.

Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe tells the story of how God protected him in Rwanda during the Genocide.

He was 23 years old and had grown up with a loving family in Rwanda.

In 1994 the Genocide broke loose with Hutu extremists killing more than a million Tutsis in just 100 days.

Phodidas dedicated his life to God and was determined to remain faithful to Him. Many miracles happened to him as he fled for his life. His ID card of course identified him as a Tutsi. Time and again one of the militant Hutus would approach him to kill him and at the last moment, turn aside as if a wall had blocked him from carrying out his intentions. Of course he was praying.

Read the story of how he was forced to dig his own grave and permission to preach to them before they killed him. Miraculously, he was permitted to preach, and the militants decided to spare his life. They even had a couple of the militants take him to their house so they could protect him there. That did not work well for long.

Finally the Genocide was over and he was able to go back to his home town. All the other members of his immediate family were killed.

He soon started preaching in various churches and then organized and led an evangelistic series.

It is a great story of faith and you can read the first chapter on line for free- just click here.

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