Sunday, December 1, 2019

One More River: A Review

New York Times and CBA bestselling and award winning author Jane Kirpatrick’s recent book  One More River is an amazing story of  a party of 50 who traveled from St. Louis Missouri out to California in covered wagons, horseback and walking in starting in 1844 and arriving in California in 1845. This was the first wagon train into California through the Sierra Nevadas.

In 1844, two years before the Conner Party, the Stephens-Murphy-Townsend company leaves Missouri to be the first wagons into California through the Sierra Nevada. They enjoy a safe journey—until October, when a fierce mountain snowstorm forces difficult decisions.

The party separates in three directions. Some go overland around Lake Tahoe. Others stay to guard the heaviest wagons. The rest of the party, including eight women and seventeen children, huddle in a makeshift cabin at the headwaters of the Yuba River awaiting rescue. The months ahead will be long and at times terrifying. But with friendship, family, and enough courage to overcome their fear, these intrepid pioneers will discover what truly matters in times of trial.

This novel is based on a true story for which the author did diligent research to learn as much as possible about this incredible journey. In this story she emphasizes the strength, courage and fortitude of the women as well as the men.

When the group of mostly women and children had to wait in the makeshift cabin through the winter awaiting rescue one has to admire their courage as they made do with very little food.

It is an amazing story of how these intrepid pioneers never gave up and did what was necessary to survive.

Courage doesn’t always roar . Sometimes courage is that little voice that at the end of the day says “I’ll try again tomorrow.” Mary Anne Radmacher

Check for this inspiring book at your favorite book store or order it on line.

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