Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Devotionals for 2020

True Christian Living doesn’t require perfection, but it does require connection. Jesus gave us an example in Mark 1:35, ‘Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.’ (NIV). Constant connection to God provides power when we are weak, hope when we despair, and love when we feel alone. Set your Pacific Press devotional book on the bathroom counter or the breakfast table as a visual reminder to start your day with power, hope, and love.

There are eight different devotionals from Pacific Press, especially for 2020 meant for different members of the family. Below are links you’ll find description of each book and be able to read online the first chapter of each book for free!

Adult- Jesus Wins by Elizabeth Viera Talbot.  Click here.

Adult Evening-My Life Today by Ellen G White. Click here.

Women’s I Am Loved-Carolyn Rathbun Sutton-editor. Click here.

Young Adult Compassion by Troy Fitzgerald  Click here.

Teen I Am A Witness by Kalie Kelch-Click here.

Junior-Eyes of the Crocodile by Charles Mills-Click here.

Primary-Hiking With Jesus by Jim Feldbush-Click here.

Preschool Hugs From Jesus by Sally Pierson Dillon-Click here.

You will be the same in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read. Charlie “Tremendous” Jones from his book Life is Tremendous.

Reading a Daily Devotional Book daily is a good start on changing your life.

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