Wednesday, August 28, 2019

40 Days-Prayers and Devotions on Praising God

40 Days Prayers and Devotions on Praising God is Dennis Smith’s 9th book in his very popular 40 Days Devotional book series. I think it is one of the best!

I especially like the 2nd devotion in this book entitled Praise is a Choice. Here are some of the highlights from this reading:

Maintaining an attitude of praise toward God is a choice. Paul emphasized this point when he wrote, Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever thigs are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8).

This advice is given in the context of Paul counseling the Christians not to worry…To avoid worry and anxiety, one must develop the habit of maintaining an attitude of praise and thanksgiving to God.

Everyone has trials and difficulties in life, and everyone has blessings. We have a choice to dwell either on the difficulties of the blessings.

All of us have roses and thorns along the path of life. We can either praise God for the roses, or curse the thorns. I guarantee you will have better emotional, physical, and spiritual health if you praise God for the roses.

How much better it is to praise God for the roses. One’s life will be much happier doing this, and one will be much more pleasant to be around. Praising God is a choice

All 40 readings in this devotional encourage us to praise God. One can use this as a personal devotional study or as a group study.

I encourage you to praise God more each day. To read the first chapter of this book and be inspired as I have been reading it, click here. You can also purchase the book at a bookstore or online.

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