Tuesday, August 13, 2019

As Light Lingers: A Review

Many people have endorsed this recent book by Nina Atcheson. Here are a couple of the endorsements.

Melody Mason best-selling author of Daring to Ask for More writes:

As Light Lingers is deeply moving as well as practical and is sure to revive your Bible study time! Nina Atcheson has obviously been gifted by the Holy Spirit in her writing of this beautiful book. I used my highlighter often while reading and was convicted afresh of my own need for a much deeper experience in God’s Word. I look forward to sharing this resource widely!

Jeffrey Brown, Associate Secretary General Conference Ministerial Association writes:

Nina Atcheson urges us not to let devotional books rob us of the beauty of simply reading or listening to the Word of God. Whether you prefer written contemplation or oral reflection, we can all receive the blessing that comes from meditating on what the Spirit, through God’s Word, is personally and practically saying to each of us in these last days. Atcheson is right-a consistent devotional life is non-negotiable-for an individual, a couple, and a family.

Atcheson- tells about how that spending more time “Basking in the Light” of God’s Word has made changes in her life and her children’s lives also.

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;

It shall not return to Me void,

But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

(Isaiah 55:11)

Atcheson writes:

This verse is one of my favorite promises in the Bible. It tells me that God’s word is so powerful that it will change situations and lives and will make people prosper.

In this book Atcheson tells of several ways of study that have been helpful to her. I know you can receive a real blessing from reading this book. For more information on this book and to watch a short video  overview of this book please click here.

Something that I have found a blessing in my life is reading through the 4 Gospels each month. There are 89 chapters in total for the 4 gospels so if you average three chapters a day you will easily get through in one month. (In February you will need to double up a little bit since there are only 28 days.)

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