Wednesday, August 28, 2019

STANDING TOGETHER-The Inspirational Story of a Wounded Warrior and Enduring Love: A Review

Carlos and Rosemarie will bring you to tears-and cheers-with their frank story of hardship-and victory- after major trauma. Their vivid narrative of tough times, tough love, and God’s grace shows the way through both terrible circumstances and struggles of the soul. They don’t give you a feel-good formula or how to tale. They do share how they beat the odds against survival and recovery by leaning on God and all the good people in their lives. You don’t have to love God or love marines to be enriched here, but you cannot read their story without coming to love Carlos and Rosemarie and being grateful for this time spent with them. You’ll learn from them that with Christ all things are possible-Mark A Jumper, PhD, director of Chaplaincy and Military affairs and assistant professor, Regent University School of Divinity,

This is an amazing story about Carlos and Rosemarie. Carlos was in his fourth deployment, this one in Afghanistan. On a patrol in a Humvee they drove over an IED (a mine). Carlos was ok but within that same week he stepped on another IED and lost both his legs as well as his left hand.

There were times he wished he had died, but he did not die. This story relates how he and his wife were able to cope with the recovery stage and finally come out victorious. It was a terrific struggle-years long.

But with the blessing of God and many people they were able to come through it. Now they serve in a ministry reaching out especially to other wounded warriors.

This is a truly inspiring story of faith. Please click here for more information about this book.

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