Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Creation? Really? : A Review

I found this book fascinating. It is written in a dialogue fashion between Carl, who believes in God and a literal Creation, and Ed who does not believe in either.

They are going on a geology trip together in the western United States, and their differing views dominate the conversations during the trip.

It is quite interesting to see how the same “evidence” can be used to defend either viewpoint-Creation or Evolution and that it is difficult to be totally objective in ones interpretation of the “evidence.” I was impressed how the Creationist aimed very carefully to be objective in interpreting the evidence found.

I encourage you to click here and read on line the first chapter of this book.  You can then either order a copy of the book online or you can check with your local book store to purchase a copy.

I personally find it much more uplifting to believe that God is our Creator then to think that we and this earth evolved from an undetermined source.

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