Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Defying Jihad: A Review

This is the dramatic true story of a woman who volunteered to kill “infidels”—and then faced death for becoming one.

Esther was born into a Muslim home: She writes:

This memoir is the true story of my journey from growing up in a militant Muslim family to my life-changing encounter with Jesus. For the protection of my family-both those who remain in Pakistan and those in the United States- I have changed some of the names and specific locations, and in the case of my children, I have created a composite character to safeguard their identities.

I would also like to acknowledge that my story is just that-my story. Not all Muslims are extremists, and not all Muslims interpret jihad the way my community did. I hope this book gives you a window into a life you may not know much about, and I hope it encourages dialogue among people of various cultural and religious backgrounds.

Esther was the third daughter-so far no sons. She was considered bad luck and never felt that her father really accepted her.  She was a very good student and desperately wanted to continue her education beyond what was the norm for Muslim girls where she grew up. When she persisted in continuing with her education, she was granted permission but was required to go to a school that trained young people to be terrorists.

One day the question was asked, “Are there any volunteers for Jihad?” She held her hand up high. At the age of 18 she had just volunteered to die-and kill- for radical Islam.

But then she had a dream and met Jesus in this dream.

Defying Jihad  is the incredible true story of a woman prepared to surrender all for God—and whose life was transformed from one of terror to one of overwhelming love.

For more on this story click here and learn more about this true story. You can shop for this book in your local bookstore or order online.

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