Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Church Triumphant-Called to a Prophetic Destiny: A Review

This is the latest book by Mark Finley. He has written more than 70 books and each one is always very worthwhile reading.

You can read the first chapter of this brand new book on line as well as an interview with Mark Finley about the book by clicking here.

This new book reminds me about a story I heard told by Zig Ziglar some years ago.

Zig Ziglar said “I am from Dallas Texas and I am a Dallas Cowboys Football Fan” and then went on to tell this story how hewas once watching his team play and part way through the game, the opposing team seemed to be  slaughtering the Dallas Cowboys and while many of the Cowboy Fans were weeping and wailing. Zig said he had confidence in his team and had no question that they would win so he did not sweat too much over the situation when it looked like they would not. And yes Dallas Cowboys won! Zig then said, “well I should be honest with you I was watching a replay of the game on TV!” However, he said it is an illustration that we can have confidence who is going to win in the end of this earth’s history because we have read the last chapters of Revelation and we know that God does win!

Please be sure and click on this link here and read both the first chapter of this book and the interview with Mark Finley about the book because that will give you the best information on the message of this book.

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