Tuesday, August 6, 2019

The Hawaiian Quilt: A Review

New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter and Daughter-in-Law, Jean, Take Readers to Hawaii on an Amish Woman’s Adventure of a Lifetime.

Mandy has always longed to see Hawaii and she finally has opportunity to take the trip along with three of her best girlfriends. They take the train from Indiana to California and then board a cruise ship which takes them across the Pacific to Hawaii and then from Island to Island. What an adventure! 

Mandy and Ellen are late getting back to the cruise ship after sightseeing on the Island of Kauai- this is where the adventure really continues.   Barbara and Sadie did make it back on the Cruise ship and are surprised and distressed not to find Mandy and Ellen.

They meet a friendly couple also tourists who take them to the Bed and Breakfast where they are staying.  They contact their parents back in Indiana. Makaio and Luana, the Hawaiian couple who operate the Bed and Breakfast take them in. Then Makaio breaks a leg and so they volunteer to stay and help with the Bed and Breaksfast while he is incapacitated.

My wife and I especially enjoyed this book because it reminded us of a cruise we took to the Hawaiian islands about 20 years ago. As in the story, we cruised from island to island upon landing in Hawaii and recognized many of the places that the girls visited. Our vacation to Hawaii was one of the highlights in our lives.

Well you need to read the book to find out the rest of the story. You can click here and listen to an audio of the first chapter.

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