Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Your Best Destiny-Becoming the person you were created to be: A Review

Wintley Phipps is the author of this very thoughtful book. I am sharing some quotes from others who have commented about this book:

In Your Best Destiny Wintley Phipps takes the problematic portions of life and exposes them as opportunities to create positive outcomes in your own life and the lives of people around you. It is a wonderful tool to encourage everyone to lead a more productive life that contributes to society at large.  Benjamin S. Carson Sr. MD Emeritus professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics, John Hopkins Medicine.

What a wonderful service Wintley Phipps has rendered by reminding us that anyone can experience success God’s way. If you plan to read only one book on success this year, I enthusiastically recommend Your Best Destiny. Barry C. Black Chaplain Unites States Senate

Many Christians spend a great portion of their lives searching for answers to the question, “What is God’s plan for my life?” If you are one of these people, you don’t have to wait any longer. IF you feel like your life is floundering or you are in a “rut” with no way out, then this book is for you. Wintley beautifully and methodically outlines the major principles set forth in Scriptures to help you to realize your best destiny. Danny Shelton-Founder Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Wintley Phipps talks about what he calls Eight essential pillars of our ethos:


Moral Excellence



Patient Endurance


Brotherly Affection


Wintley says:

I believe these eight qualities represent the best in human character, bestowed by God on humanity. Each is a dimension of His ethos that He asks us to pursue. It’s important to remember that God would never ask us to be what He is not. Whatever God asks us to be, He already is-perfectly so. These dimensions reside in their fullness in the character of God, as we can see throughout scripture.

In this book Wintley uses Scripture and many true-life illustrations to help the reader incorporate these important characteristics into their lives.

To watch a short Youtube video with Wintley talking about this book, please click here.

You can purchase this book at bookstores or order online.

“You will be the same in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” Quote from Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

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