Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Blessed Are They-True Stories of God's Love in Action: A Review

Blessed Are They-True Stories of God’s Love in Action: A Review

This is a book of stories. Stories of people who are changing lives. People who truly are the blessed.

Through sacrifice, by putting others’ needs ahead of their own, they are living out the Beatitudes. They are bettering people’s lives on the earth as they exemplify their Father in heaven through various ministries.

This is a collection of more than 40 stories from around the world of people living out the beatitudes and serving people. These stories will bless you.

Bring Your Sibling to School Day – In this story learn of a school in Varanasi, India that provides education for the children of beggars and garbage collectors, many of whom are Bangladeshi refugees with no status in India, not even a caste.

Without this school these children would not be able to go to school. But what do you do when you are expected to stay home and look after the younger kids so both parents can work? Solution: the school starts a day care for these young children so now the students can bring their younger siblings to school to the day care and know that they will be safe while the student attends their classes.

Miracle Water-Pine Springs Ranch This story takes place in California. It is about a youth camp which serves many young people giving them an opportunity to spend time in nature and learning about God.

One year they nearly ran out of water and were going to have to close camp down for the rest of the season if they could not get water. They prayed and water came into the large storage tanks that normally get filled from a spring.

Stories of helping people at an orphanage, a hospital two different camps, the Cuba Adventist Theological Seminary,  Good News TV, Helping Hands Caregiver Resource Center, Holbrook Indian School, Hope Channel, International Children’s Care and many more places demonstrate God’s people serving those in need and helping them find a better life and a relationship with God.

You can read the first chapter of this book on line-click here and also there is more information about this book on this website.

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