Wednesday, June 12, 2019

The Traveler-A Tale of Courage and Ultimate Sacrifice: A Review

Rafael Lopez Miranda was a modern day Saul of Tarsus. From a raging drunk to “the most successful colporteur in the world,” Rafael traveled the Caribbean and on to Venezuela. The parallels to the life of Paul are many and will draw you into this riveting story.

Supported by a loving family, Rafael gave himself to God’s leading.

In his wake, he would leave a legacy of faith and devotion to Christ and the Adventist Church he loved. His passion became his ministry. From converts to companies to congregations, follow Rafael’s single-minded mission to share his love for Jesus.

Rafael was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He became a successful businessman however he was not a Christian. He was a drunk and made life bad for those who had to associate with him.

One day there was a knock at the door. Rafael went to the door. When Rafael went to the door there was a tall man standing there.

He told Rafael, “I’ve come to tell you, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.’”

That was the beginning of Rafael’s conversion. Mr Oberg, the gentleman who came to his door became a friend. Mr Oberg was a colporteur.  After Rafael became a Christian he decided he wanted to share the wonderful happiness that he had and so he became a colporteur. He eventually went to Venezuela to sell books. He worked tirelessly to reach people for God.

Many loved him, but not all. On May 15, 1922 he was hiking on a mountain trail and he was shot to death. (The authorities wrote it up as religious persecution.)  He was buried outside the cemetery in the Venezulan Andes.

More than 40 years later, a flood came through and washed away some of the wall to the cemetery and several tombstones were washed away. However, Rafael’s tombstone remained. The wall was rebuilt in such a way to include Lopez’s tombstone inside the cemetery.

Please click here  to read the first chapter of this book on line for free and for information on ordering this must read book.

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