Monday, June 3, 2019

My Favorite Integrity Stories: A Review

This is the latest in Joe Wheeler’s popular, My Favorite…Stories.

Joe Wheeler states in his introduction to this his 101st book:

Is Integrity Obsolete today? First of all, no subject area I’ve ever tackled have I resisted doing more than this one. Reason being: I have personally made so many mistakes in life, so many errors in judgment, so many instances of losing my temper and control of my all-too-wayward tongue. In short, I count myself, like the apostle Paul, “Chief of Sinners.” So given all my multitudinous frailties and mistakes, why in the world should I set myself up for well-justified negative press: “Who does he think he’s kidding?” “The nerve of his setting himself up as an authority on integrity when he’s said this, done that—just let me tell you about some of them.”

Then he goes on to explain that people kept urging to compile a book with stories about integrity and he truly felt also that God was pushing him in this direction too.

I am glad he wrote the book and I am also glad that he was very open about his resistance to writing the book. At the end of the introduction Joe states:

Perhaps it’s time to turn back the clock to a time when the norms most Americans still tried to pattern their lives on were based on stories Simple stories incorporating values worth living by. For we do become our favorite stories-that’s why our Lord, who created us never spoke without them. How can we do less?

Hence this book.

There are nearly 30 stories in this book. These stories will influence the reader to choose to live a life of integrity. You can read the first chapter in the book on line for free by clicking here.

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