Thursday, June 20, 2019

Religion in the Real World: A Review

This is Charles Mills most recent book.

In the Introduction he asks this question. “Have you ever seen a straight river? They’re rare—for a very good reason. Rivers don’t just flow; they meander.”

Mills goes on to say that some Christians are like the river that just sort of meanders along. Then he says, “But then there are also Christians who don’t; they set their eyes on the prize-heaven- and charge ahead, blasting through barriers, tunneling through obstacles, brushing aside obstructions, and not yielding to the many stumbling blocks that get in their way.”

These men and women, boys and girls are attempting to live God’s love in the real world. They’re determined that nothing, absolutely nothing, is going to permanently alter their course to the Promised Land.

They also know that absolute, straight-line perfection isn’t possible in an atmosphere of sin. Christianity is never mastered, but it can be-and should be-practiced –daily.

I am glad that Charles Mills included that last sentence.

The purpose of this book is to motivate and inspire us for our journey through the twists and turns of life on the way to the wonderful Promised Land.

Charles Mills makes a number of statements in this book which I especially like.  Here is one of my favorites after he discusses the parable of the king’s banquet hall he says:

The new earth, like the king’s banquet hall, will be filled with those who are too sinful to save but have wrapped Christ’s robe of righteousness about them so completely that their filthy rags have vanished from view. They’ve accepted the invitation and dressed accordingly.

Please click here to read the first chapter on line of this new book.

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