Thursday, June 20, 2019

My Favorite Prayer Stories: A Review

This is one of my favorites from the various books in Joe Wheeler’s My Favorite…Stories.

Joe Wheeler writes, “I firmly believe that prayers are not meant merely to supply our wants, although God does grant a surprisingly large number of such prayers. Rather, they are meant to deepen our friendship and companionship with our Maker.”

This collection of stories which Joe has compiled certainly will lead the reader to a deeper friendship and companionship with the Lord.

Joe quotes several quotes from Phil Yancey’s book Prayer.

As if by instinct we cry out to God when trouble strikes

We tend to place God’s activity in a different category from natural or human activity; the Bible tends to draw them together. Somehow God works in all of creation, all of history, to bring about ultimate goals.

Please click here and read the first chapter of this book and you will probably be hooked and want to read the entire book. There is information on the same website for ordering the book or check with your local bookstore.

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