Thursday, June 27, 2019

One Trip To Kenya: A Review

The author David Edren lives in Australia and believes story sharing changes the world more than anything else. He spends his days as a chaplain listening to the stories of primary school children. He is also a professional storyteller, writer, and mentor who travels and shares stories.

David says “I love children and Africa is filled with children. I always knew that one day I would go to Africa, with my visit focusing on children. My dilemma was choosing where to go.”

So, when Carole Platt and her husband Leon, who both worked with Education Care Projects in Kenya contacted David about making a three-week trip to Kenya, he was very interested in going. The plan was that he would tell Bible Stories to the children at the various Education Care Projects in Kenya

In December 2016 and January 2017, David, along with the Platts made a missionary trip to Kenya. David’s main emphasis as planned was to tell Bible stories to the children, and write a story about the people he met and the story of the mission trip.

Africa- one word with so many meanings: people, poverty, resources, dirt, wealth, war, safari, starvation, children, genocide, beauty, abuse, power, orphans.

Africa is home to every seventh person on Earth. Within its fifty-four countries, nearly two thousand languages are spoken; each represents a unique people group and a distinct culture.

It is a fascinating story of one week in Maasai country and one week in the town of Mosoriot. 

In addition to telling gathered children stories, a week-long revival meeting was added to the itinerary with two meetings per day, one before lunch, and one after lunch. People walked for hours to come to these meetings, which was something to behold.

During David’s 3 weeks in Africa, he wrote more than 30,000 words about his experiences which he blogged about and when he got back home to the US, he created the book One Trip to Kenya, based on these blogs. Please click here to read the first chapter of this amazing book.

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