Wednesday, June 12, 2019

To The Last Man-A Story of Courage and Loyalty: A Review

I like Biblical narratives, and this one is an amazing retelling of the story of Jonathan, who was the crown prince of Israel and in this book author Glen Robinson brings his story to life.

Not just David’s best friend, Jonathan is a biblical hero in his own right. Groomed to be the next king of Israel, Jonathan struggles with maintaining a faith in God as he watches his father the king drift away from the God who gave them victory. Samuel anoints David as successor, and Jonathan has to balance God’s plans for Israel with his responsibility to his father.

I found it very interesting to read the story of David and Jonathan from the perspective of Jonathan.

Robinson’s research into the biblical story and his storytelling abilities have created a fascinating book to read. He tells Jonathan’s complete story, starting with his father, Saul, who was chosen as the first King of Israel all the way to the end when the Israelites were defeated in battle with the Philistines.

Saul, the king took his own life and Jonathan was killed in battle. Some way Jonathan had a relationship with God that made it possible for him to accept that David would be king and not Jonathan.

You can click here and read the first chapter of this book for free on line and also for information for ordering this book.

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