Monday, June 3, 2019

Questions For My Father: A Review

Authors Arthur Edwin Gibb and his son Keith W. Gibb based this book on a book by the same title by Vincent Staniforth.

Keith is the Son of Arthur and he asked his dad over 100 questions his dad answered them. I found it very interesting. Arthur is in his late 90’s and still in good health and his mind is sharp. When was first introduced to this book, I thought how special to have a relationship with your dad when he is this old and you are mature enough to be comfortable to ask these questions of him, which prompted me to read the whole book and I have done just that.

Here are a couple of the questions and their answers:

What does God mean to you?

Everything! He is my creator, my savior and my hope for eternal life. He is my peace, my rest from worry and concern. He is my answer to prayer. If it should turn out that there is no God, my life has been better that it would have been had I not believed in God. I have been a better husband and person for believing. I am encouraged by the stories in the Bible such as Abraham and David. God overlooked some of their worst behavior and he does the same for us. God understands my motives. With Jesus being here on earth for over thirty years, he understands my temptations and weaknesses.

Should marriage really be forever?

A good marriage should last until one person dies. Not every marriage is a good one. One way to keep a marriage happy is to wake up every day and tell yourself, ‘I am a lucky guy. Look at the wife I got.’ Even if you don’t really feel that way every day, it is one lie you are allowed to tell yourself. It changes your perspective to talk to yourself that way.

If you are interested in getting and reading the complete book email Keith at and he will let you know how you can get a copy. I personally was very inspired and blessed by reading this book.

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