Sunday, December 23, 2018

Vision in the Storm-Stories from Adventist History: A Review

The author Rachel Whitaker Cabose has written 19 stories of early Adventists, many of them young people who were instrumental in the formation and growth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Beginning with Captain William Miller who was a Captain in the war of 1812 and later studied the Bible in which he found his Savior and the truth that Jesus is coming soon. From the people who accepted the message that Jesus is coming soon grew the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The soon second-coming of Jesus Christ is at the core of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs.
Then there was Captain Joseph Bates who was a sea captain. After accepting Jesus as his Savior, he made strict rules of no swearing and no alcohol on his ship. Many of the sailors appreciated that and were sorry when he decided to retire as a sea captain.

Others whose stories are told in this well written book include Ellen G White, James White, Annie and Uriah Smith, John Andrews and several others.
It is especially interesting to read these stories and see how God led in the past in the formation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. You can read the first  chapter from this book for free on line by clicking here

Beyond Ashes A True Story of Survival and Triumph: A Review

Biographies are one of my favorite books I enjoy reading, especially those that inspire as much as this one does. Beyond Ashes is the story of Marlyn Olsen Vistaunet who was born to Seventh-day Adventist missionaries in Mexico. She tells her story with honesty and clarity. She was kidnapped as a three year old in Mexico, lost a brother after a house fire, was drugged and raped as an adult and has been able to use these traumas and disappointments of the past as stepping-stones, preparing her for a love relationship with Christ and a life of service to His cause.

It is a fascinating story with lots of good and bad things happening to Maryln but overall one gets to see in reading this biography how wonderful it is to see God leading Maryln through and out of so many  trials.
You can read the first chapter on line—click here.

God’s Character and the Last Generation: A Review

When I first got this book I wondered how “heavy” a read it was going to be. I was pleasantly pleased to find that while it is covering a deep theological subject, it is easily readable.

The book is authored by 12 different Andrews University professors.
In Word from the Editors Jiri Moskala & John C. Peckham state;

It is our prayer and hope that you will find in this book solid and edifying material, which will encourage you in your walk with the Lord and will give you assurance of your salvation in Jesus Christ, faith in His leadership and providence, lasting inner joy, and satisfying answers to some of your perplexing questions. When our self-confidence and assumptions are challenged, we may be able to find more solid ground for our faith and understanding of the truth. Let’s remember that even our best formulations and expressions of truth are rudimentary, because only God, who is the ultimate Judge, has the last word. May our gracious, caring, holy, and awesome Lord inspire each reader to follow the path of truth in this complicated world in which we live as we serve and await the glorious coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Definitely this book helped me to think through these issues and I would encourage you to read the first chapter at the following this link  and that will help you decide if this is a book you want to own.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Lessons from a Third Grade Dropout: A Review

The author Dr. Rick Rigsby is President and CEO of Rick Rigsby Communications. The former award-winning journalist followed a television career with graduate school-and two decades as a college professor, most of those years at Texas A&M University, where he also served as character coach and chaplain for the Aggies football team. Dr. Rick’s dynamic presentations motivate, empower, and inspire worldwide—from Africa and Asia to the Americas, Europe and Canada. Rick’s audiences include fortune 500 companies, academic communities and service organizations. The internationally acclaimed speaker is a favorite among professional sports organizations, including the National football League and the PGA. Named twice as an outstanding professor in the College of Liberal Arts at Texas A & M, Dr Rick has numerous publications. Lessons from a Third-Grade Dropout is a USA TODAY, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon Best seller.

Dr Rick’s dad was a 3rd grade dropout. However he taught Rick by precept and example so many lessons which made Rick what he is today! 

One of the main emphasis given by Dr. Rick’s dad involved being kind.

A Choice to be kind:

Is the lack of kindness killing your career? Does your lack of kindness affect relationships? Are you stuck in the basement of life? Has your rise to the top stalled? Are you passed over constantly when it comes to promotions? Are you finding yourself less than satisfied despite your position in the organization?  Are you unfulfilled in your present position? Have you discovered that status and sleek business cards fail to comfort feelings of inadequacy and insecurity? Do you find yourself just going through the motions? Are you merely stuck in neutral? Or, worse yet, in reverse? Are you watching others live your dreams? Are you making a choice to allow your season to pass you by? In your heart you know that receiving more training is not the answer. Developing additional skill sets of technological competency is not what is needed. You can receive the best training available, possess all the skill in the world, and own a wealth of knowledge, but still have a resume stamped “incomplete” or a life labeled “unsatisfied” or a dream marked “unfulfilled.” I have great news! Your noble quest toward living a complete, enriched life begins simply and unwittingly with a choice to be kind.

Kind Deeds Are Never Lost

The Positive Power of Kindness

At the very least, simple acts of kindness have the potential to produce some radical results such as:

A joyful attitude

A positive outlook

A peaceful mind

A pleasant disposition

A kind word

A helping hand

Other character traits covered in this book are:

Discipline, Helping Others, Excellence, Character, and Never, Never, Never, Never give Up!

Click here to watch one of Dr.Rick's moving speeches.

You can then look for this helpful book at your local book store or order on an online venue such as The isbn for this book is 978-1-5995-1000-2

Dansel, Arise: A Review

Brokenness is good.

Not good because suffering, oppression, abuse, and injustice and all the mutations of sin are good-clearly “an enemy has done this” (Matthew 13:28, NKJV)-but good because of what God does with our brokenness.

This book is about womankind-her creation, her fall, and her renewal in the Redeemer’s love. Though the enemy has exploited sin’s consequences; we are reminded that God is still mighty to save.

They all thought she was dead, “Damsel arise!” Jesus said. Life flew into the void left by death, filled the girl’s limp body, electrified every cell. She immediately rose to her feet and danced around the room. Mourning turned to unspeakable joy. Heaven touched earth, and earth couldn’t help but celebrate!

“Damsel, Arise!” Jesus says to you today. Get up! I have raised you to infinite potential in Me, Rise up! Let Me turn your mourning into joy.

You can read the first chapter free on line—Just click here.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Christmas in My Heart #27: A Review

Can  you believe for 27 years now Joe Wheeler has been producing a new volume of wonderful Christmas Stories?  #27 just  came off the press this season.

I have finished reading it and can enthusiastically say it is one of the very best collections of stories that Joe Wheeler has compiled and edited.
In case you are not acquainted with Joe Wheeler, here is a link to an article recently written  about him that gives a lot of fascinating details about what Joe has done with his “Story Ministry:”

Christmas in My Heart # 27

Dr James Dobson, Founder, of Focus on the Family says “Joe Wheeler is America’s Keeper of the Story.”
There are 15 stories in this latest book  and as in the case of most of the Christmas in My Heart books the last one is written by Joe Wheeler himself. 
The Stories are all good and are all value based.
Youi can read the first story from this book by clicking on this link and also you can order the book on line or else purchase a copy at  a book store. To find a book store near you   that carries Joe Wheeler’s books call 1-800-765-6955.

Gambling-Betting Your Life Away: A Review

Statistics abound that reveal the negative impacts of gambling. Incidents of addiction, bankruptcy, crime, corruption, domestic abuse, destruction of marriages and families, and suicide attempts are higher in the lives of those grappling with gambling than with any other addiction.

Discover answers to . . .

What is the root cause of a gambling addiction?

What attracts people to the gambling lifestyle?

What are the different types of gambling?

What stages are involved in compulsive gambling?

Once the exhilarating ecstasy of winning has captured the mind, will, and emotions, all bets are off on the likelihood that people will find freedom on their own. But don’t bet your life away! With the transforming work and intervention of the Holy Spirit, freedom from the grip of gambling is possible.

This book Gambling  Betting Your Life Away  by  June Hunt acknowledges that the Bible does not use the term gambling however  the author uses many texts from the Bible which shed light on the wrongfulness of gambling.

“Do not worship any other god, for the Lord…is a Jealous God.” Exodus 34:14.  People who are sucked in by gambling actually become worshipers of gambling.

The World of Gambling concentrates on selfish greed as the fastest way to prosper.

The Word of God concentrates on trusting God as the only way to prosper.

Proverbs 28: 25 says, “The greedy stir up conflict, but those who trust in the Lord will prosper.”

The World of Gambling focuses on wagering to get “something for nothing.”

The Word of God focuses on working to give something to the needy,

Ephesians 4:28 says, “Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.”

The World of Gambling prioritizes making a living through luck.

The Word of God   prioritizes making a living through labor.

Psalm 128:2 says, “You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.”

I recommend this book for anyone who might have questions about whether they should gamble.

The isbn is 9781596366862. Check with your favorite book store to get a copy or order from

Christiana The New Amplified Pilgrim's Progress Part 2: A Review

If you have read Pilgrims Progress Part 1, the story of Christian traveling from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City you will have a good background for this sequel which is the story of Christiana, Christian’s wife, making the same journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City.

It is very fascinating how John Bunyan author of these two books takes us on a journey along the narrow way through the “wicket gate.” As you read this book, you will meet characters good and bad: Mr. Sagacity, Mercy, the Gate Keeper, Snake-eyes, Help, the Interpreter, Innocent, Old-honest and many more.

As a parable that echoes the magical realism of Alice in Wonderland, Christiana ranks up there with the best classic fairy tales. The language adaptation by Jim Pappas, Jr. is easy to read while retaining an Old World quality reminiscent of the King James era. Filled with illustrations, Pilgrim’s Progress Part 2: Christiana is an excellent means of introducing the faith to young children as well as new believers with a love for fantastical folktales.
I was inspired in reading this book. For more information and  to order on line please click here .

Tending Roses: A Review

The lessons that most enrich our lives often come at unexpected moments and from unlikely places. That’s what Kate Bowman learns when she moves temporarily—with her husband, Ben, and baby son—to her grandmother’s Missouri farm. She arrives at a time of crisis and indecision—struggling with the demands of a new mother, a not-so-new wife, and a well-meaning but often impatient granddaughter. The family has assigned her and Ben the job of convincing Grandma Rose, who’s becoming increasingly stubborn and forgetful, to move off the land that means so much to her and into a nursing home. Kate knows  such a change would break her grandmother’s heart. But what is right for her grandmother? And what is right for her family and herself?
This is a fascinating story, well written by Lisa Wingate.  It includes various members of the family who come together at Christmas time at Grandmother Rose’s home on the farm in Missouri.
It is a story of a family pulling together after having been very separated and dysfunctional.

Grandmother Rose’s journal helps Kate to understand so many things about Grandmother and what is important to her.
If you like a good story I encourage you to get this one and read it.  If your local bookstore does not have a copy it is available from various on line venues including

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Incredible Answers to Prayer: A Review

Roger Morneau, author of this incredible.  Book was a man of incredible faith. When he prayed things happened. And it was exciting!

It was five degrees below zero, and Roger Morneau was out of gas. If his toes froze, they would have to be amputated. The man bowed his head in prayer. “It was almost as if something hit the back of my automobile and it shot forward,” he says. “Then the motor started to accelerate and hummed like never before” He drove the 27 miles to safety without a drop of gas!

This is only one of hundreds of miracles Roger Morneau has witnessed. Some saved him from an early death. But most were in response to prayers for others. People dying in a hospital get well. A man pronounced dead by his doctor lives. A woman’s shattered relationship is suddenly filled with love and acceptance.  Another man’s life and business turn around within days.
I really enjoyed rereading this book recently. I like the personal relationship that Roger
Morneau practiced in his prayer life with God. I love how Roger Morneau referred to God as “the great Monarch of the galaxies.” Roger knew that when he prayed he was talking with Someone who could make things happen.
I would like to encourage you to click here  and learn more about this book and either order on line or find a book store that has a copy in stock. To locate a book store near you call 1-800-765-6955.

We All Have Problems/Solutions

Roger Hernandez uses the bible character Moses to illustrate the lessons he is bringing to us.

We all have problems—that is a fact of life. But in spite of any problem you may face there is hope. The purpose of this book is to give you real answers, from a real God, to your real problems through a practical and encouraging message.

The author draws divine solutions for your human problems from the infinite Word of God. With vivid illustrations and clear language, this book will lead you to the Source of wisdom and enrich you with enduring benefits that will guide you for the rest of your life.

No matter what challenges you are facing—tight finances, poor attitudes, feelings of failure, deep hurts, or family problems—reading this book will open your mind to new possibilities and the beginning of positive life changes.
The author talks about problems of Impatience, Failure, Finances, Pain and Suffering, Family and Disconnection.

He also talks about that there is hope available to us to help us in our; Trouble, Connection, Priorities, Dollars and Sense, Hurt, Transformation, Failure, Rest, Life, and Faith.
Here are some realities which the author talks about:

There are some things we will never be able to change. Therefore, we must leave them behind.

There are some things that change only slowly. Therefore we must have patience.

Of course, there are some things in life that need to change immediately. We must have the bravery to change them.
Click Here to read the first chapter on line and  you can also order this book on line at the same website.

Devotionals for 2019: Recommended titles:

As usual, the Pacific Press is promoting a selection of Devotionals books and this time especially for 2019. Follow the link below for more information on the devotional books and you’ll see links for each book you can follow to take you to a page with specific information on the particular book you’re interested in reading more about. The link for each book brings up the first chapter of the book you follow its link and you’ll be able to read it on line, except for a couple or so that do not have this feature available. However, for the ones that have the links you can read the first chapter, doing so will help in making an educated decision on which devotionals to order for yourself and possibly for gifts for friends and family members.

Adult Devotional--- Authentic—by Shawn Boonstra

Adult Evening Devotional—God’s Amazing Grace—by Ellen G. White
Women—In His Presence—This one is edited by Carolyn Rathbun Sutton and is written by many different women especially for women.

Young Adult—Conviction – by Troy Fitzgerald
Junior/Earliteen—Sensational “Quotational “ Devotional—by Kim Peckham

Primary—God’s Amazing Creation—by Vicki Redden, Joelle Reed Yamada, and Dee Litten Reed
Preschool—Little Hearts for Jesus—by Sally Pierson Dillon

These are all excellent Devotionals. A Daily Devotional is a wonderful way to nurture one’s relationship with God.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Pursued: A Review

Author Lola Moore Johnston uses the experience of Mary Magdalene to introduce Jesus as the Pursuer who pursues us as a lover pursues his beloved. You will walk with Mary as she is transformed from an outcast in polite society to Jesus’ most ardent supporter and adoring friend.

In 7 chapters Lola takes us through experiences of Mary Magdalene to show how Jesus did not give up on Mary but continued to pursue her. Some of these stories do not name her directly and many  bible scholars believe some of them are told that way to  protect her reputation.
Here are some of the specific stories;

The woman taken in adultery- Jesus told Mary “Neither do I (accuse thee). Go and sin no more.”
Jesus cast out seven demons from Mary; Jesus took on the responsibility of not only making Mary well but also of keeping her well.

Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus when Martha, her sister thought Mary should come and help fix dinner. Jesus said Mary had chosen the best part which was taking time to listen to Jesus.
Jesus raising Lazarus, Mary’s brother, from the dead. Even though it seemed that Jesus was neglecting them Jesus brought a greater blessing in raising Lazarus then it would have been to heal him.

Mary anointed Jesus feet at the feast at Simon’s house.  Jesus defended Mary when the disciples thought what a waste this was, and Jesus told Mary “Your sins are forgiven.”
Mary was the first person Jesus talked to after the resurrection and sent off to tell the other followers that Jesus was alive.

There was nothing spectacular about Mary. She had a pretty rough start, a checkered past, yet she became a beloved follower of Christ. How did she catch Jesus’ attention? What had she done to merit such special treatment?  Nothing. All Mary had ever done was wholeheartedly receive the love Jesus offered. From their first meeting Jesus was nonjudgmental and accepting of her, flaws and all. Her response was simple and made all the difference-she accepted His love.
For more information on this new book and to read the first chapter on line click here. There is also a study guide and a set of DVDs available for use along with this book.

One in Christ: A Review

This is the special companion book written to go along with the 4th quarter 2018 Adult Bible Study Guide. The subject is “Biblical Concepts  For a Doctrine of Church Unity.”

Dennis Fortin author of this book has broken the subject down into the following:
God’s Original Plan

Causes of Disunity
“That They All May Be One”

Christ, the Key to Unity
Early Experiences of Church unity

Images of Unity
When Conflicts Arise

Unity in Faith
The Most Convincing Proof

Unity and Broken Relationships
Unity in Worship

Church Organization and Unity
Final Restoration of Unity

As the world around us becomes increasingly fragmented, the church must demonstrate that unity in diversity is attainable, that all are equal at the foot of the cross. God’s people are called to demonstrate the healing, reconciling power of the gospel. Such unity is beyond human accomplishment and can only be the result of the divine gift of grace.
It is a good book and you can read the first chapter for free on line – click here.

Believe It-My Journey of Success, Failure, nd Overcoming the Odds: A Review

Nick Foles, author of this amazing book is the 2018 Super Bowl MVP-winning quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles. A graduate of the University of Arizona, Nick was drafted by the Eagles in the third round of the 2012 draft. In 2013 he became the first quarterback in NFL history to both post a perfect passer rating (158.3) and throw seven touchdowns in a single game, earning him a spot in the Pro Bowl as well as offensive MVP honors. Foles played one season in St. Louis (2015) and one in Kansas City (2016) before returning to the Eagles in 2017. On February 4, 2018, Foles led the Eagles to their first Super Bowl victory in franchise history. He and his wife, Tori, have a daughter named Lily and a Goldendoodle named Henry.
I enjoyed this book for Nick’s transparency telling of his uncertainties and challenges as he endeavored to make the right choices in his life. I also was interested in his very strong faith in God. From the foreword to the book;

Above all else, Nick is a man of faith, and his faith is what gives him both his confidence and his humility. It also makes him dangerous. There’s a quote from C.S. Lewis’s Narnia series that describes Aslan the lion this way: “Who said anything about safe? ‘Course he isn’t safe. But he’s good.” God isn’t safe. But he is good. So why should we mere humans play it safe? There should be a boldness and fearlessness to our actions and our speech. Sometimes we think it’s dangerous to make a move or take a new job, but we also know it’s just as dangerous to do nothing.

Nick’s faith, confidence, and humility made him dangerous in the Super Bowl- and they’re what makes him a winner every day in everything he does.
I think it is very interesting what Nick did for most of the morning on the day he played in the Super Bowl. To quote Nick, “I spent most of the morning in my room reading the Bible, praying, journaling, playing music, and listening to a YouVersion devotional called ‘Making Sense of God’ by Timothy Keller, a pastor in New York.”

Check with your favorite book store to get a copy of this new book or for more information and  to order on line  click here.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

In The Master's Steps: A Review

The author of this new book is Evangelist Kenneth Cox who continues to live out his passion for preaching the gospel. He travels extensively with his evangelistic team and continues to produce television programming to be shown on 3ABN and other television stations.

In The Master’s Steps – The theme of the book is that by beholding we become changed. This is how we learn to walk like the Master. “He who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk just as He walked” (1 John 2:6). Walking means moving forward, not standing still or going backwards. Walking also involves exertion; we must not stand on the sidelines but be actively involved. In short to walk with Jesus we must put forth effort by exercising our God-given abilities so that we may have energy to run in the way of His commandments. “If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). Walking in the light simply means staying close to Jesus. The Bible says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path” (Psalm 119:105).
Topics covered in this book include; Prayer, Faith, Belief, Righteousness, The Ten  Commandments, The Sabbath, Jesus Second Coming, Heaven etc.

Ken Cox states “As you walk in the steps of the Master, you will find peace, happiness and fulfillment on this journey to the city of the living God, where He will dwell eternally with His people.)
“Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling”

And to present you faultless
Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy

To God our Savior
Who alone is wise

Be glory and majesty
Dominion and power

Both now and forever
Amen” (Jude: 24-25)

I recommend this book which can help us to walk more fully in the Masters Steps.
For more information about the book and to order a copy please click here .

Land of Silence: A Review

I really enjoy well written Biblical Fiction.  Land of Silence by Tessa Afshar falls into that category.

The main character in this book is Elianna who is the lady in the gospels with the flow of blood that the doctors were unable to cure. Eliana spent all she had on many doctors to no avail. Then she heard of Jesus and went to Him. She touched the hem of His garment and was healed.
There are a number of other people included in the story who are specifically referred to in the Bible; Gamaliel, Chuza and Joanna.

As in most biblical fiction the author has created a story based on the times and the customs of that era.
The author weaves into the story much about Elianna’s family, and the challenges for Jewish people living under the rule of Rome.

I like how she enlarges on the part of the story when she finally is willing to go to see Jesus and how she listens to him speak for several days and her soul is fed and she realizes that she needs to forgive the people that have wronged her. As she does that she finally gets up the nerve to touch the border of Jesus garment and of course she is instantly healed. She then feels that she has stolen the healing power from Jesus but is overjoyed when Jesus stops and tells her “Your faith has healed you. Go in Peace.”
I felt like I had been to see Jesus too, as I read the description of Ellianna meeting Jesus.

For more information about this book click here and also for information on ordering a copy or check with your favorite book store.

Beware of Angels: A Review

During Roger Morneau’s lifetime he wrote a number of amazing books:

A Trip into the Supernatural

Charmed by Darkness
Incredible Answers to Prayer

More Incredible Answers to Prayer
When You Need Incredible Answers to Prayer

Incredible Power of Prayer
Beware of Angels

I highly recommend all of them and encourage you to read these tremendously inspiring books. You can look up Roger Morneau’s book on
Beware of Angels:  Roger Morneau wrote this book to help us see that not all angels supposedly coming from God’s throne of Grace are coming directly from God. There are many angels that are fallen angels and are part of Satan’s vast host of deceivers in this world. However, they may come disguised as an angel of light, so it is very important that we know the truth that God has given us in the Bible and therefore know whether or not a message brought by a supposed messenger from God is in keeping with the truth contained in the Bible.

Beware of Angels is built around the sad story of two sisters who thought they were following God and became involved with a small bible study group which eventually was controlled by evil angels.
In the preface to this book Roger Morneau states;

It was only after much prayer and meditation that I decided to write this book. For a number of weeks the words of the apostle Paul to the Colossians kept repeating themselves to my mind: “Let no man beguile you (cheat you) of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels” (Colossians 2:18).

Yes, Jesus’ enemies, Satan and his fallen angels, are at it again in this day and age, misleading and bringing under their control quite a number of God’s commandment-keeping people. In fact, two sisters, fourth-generation Adventists, are presently (at the time of the writing of this book) incarcerated in a women’s prison in Oregon as a result of angels supposedly coming  from God’s throne of grace and leading them to kill two persons with a .38-caliber revolver.
This is a shocking story through which Roger Morneau used his unique understanding of the supernatural to help God’s people avoid the satanic deceptions that even now threaten to destroy them

For more information about this book and for information for ordering a copy please click here.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

God Said It: A Review

This 32 page booklet by Bradley Booth is specially written for 5-10 year old children.

God Said It introduces children to the Bible. It is designed to help children understand the importance of reading and learning from the Word of God.

The Scriptures contain hundreds of stories about people who chose to trust God and obey     Him. Five of those stories are included in this book. The adventures of Adam and Eve, Noah,   David, Daniel, and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are presented as shining examples of   people who knew and trusted God’s goodness and grace to help them live lives of victory for Him.
This is a great booklet when you want to include a small token gift with biblical stories whenever you are giving gifts to young children: Trick or Treat Time, birthday parties, stocking stuffers at Christmas time etc.

You can read the first chapter for free on line, click here!

The New Amplified Pilgrim's Progress: A Review

Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan was originally published in 1678 and has through the centuries been one of the most popular and best-selling books of all time.

Abraham Lincoln and Louisa May Alcott’s “Little Women” were ardent admirers of John Bunyan’s wondrous allegory, The Pilgrim’s Progress. Now beginning its fourth century of popularity this book has been copiously quoted by countless authors, preachers, and orators for hundreds of years.

Now in modern English comes The New Amplified Pilgrim’s Progress. All of the age-old spiritual treasures that have made John Bunyan’s original the world’s best-selling non-biblical masterpiece in all of history are now carried to new heights of power and clarity in this new enhanced version.

While this is perhaps the most adventure-filled and user-friendly adaption ever penned, it is totally unabridged and excepting certain amplified scenes, remains strictly faithful to John Bunyan’s original storyline.

Exciting new levels of love and joy, hope and humor are skillfully woven by master storyteller Jim Pappas into this enchanting retelling of John Bunyan’s immortal classic! The New Amplified Pilgrim’s Progress is especially designed to return the spellbinding masterpiece of angels and giants, castles and dragons to the fireside of today’s everyday reader.
The Pilgrim’s Progress is the story of Pilgrim also known as Christian from the city of Destruction to the Celestial City. It is an Allegory that teaches us how to get from this world to Heaven.

For more information click here. You can also check with your local book store. The ISBN for this book is 978-0-7684-4147-5.

To find a store that may have this book in stock call 1-800-765-6955 or 1-800-722-6774

Charmed by Darkness: A Review

One thing in particular the high priest wants to make you aware of, no one has ever gotten out of our secret society alive. You and I were brought into it by the special working of the spirits, and we are to be in subjection to them, not to us.
Roland uttered these words to Roger  when Roger chose to become a Christian rather than remain  in the secret society that he and Roland had been attending, a secret society which knowingly worshipped  the “Master Lucifer”

Charmed by Darkness is the more complete autobiography of Roger Morneau’s story; a shorter version Trip into the Supernatural was published earlier. So many people were blessed by that story as well as Roger’s later books on prayer that the publisher decided to come out with Charmed by Darkness.
Roger had turned his back on God as a young man. There were so many things that did not seem to make sense. Then he joined the Merchant Marines during World War II and subsequently got involved with the Lucifer Worshipers.

When the high priest of the Lucifer worshipers asked him to become a full-fledged part of the Lucifer worshipers, Roger determined that he needed to think about this before he fully committed himself.
God brought a Christian into his life and in one week, Cyril and Cynthia gave Roger 28 Bible Studies and Roger fully committed his life to God.

I encourage you to read this book click here  to read the first chapter on line and for information on ordering a copy.

An Anxious Kind of Mind: A Review

If you have or someone you know has struggled with anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder this is a very helpful book to read.

Randy Fishell, the author of this book, tells his story of growing up with anxiety. He is very open about the challenges that he went through and challenges he still has but he tells about how he finally went to a doctor who told him there was help for him. And life has definitely improved since he began the recommended medication.
Heather Quintana editor of Vibrant Life magazine writes this about the author:

In a culture that whispers-but doesn’t always talk openly-about mental health, Randy Fishell is bravely speaking up about his struggles with anxiety disorders. Randy is a natural storyteller who manages to be vulnerable, insightful and witty all at once. For anyone with an anxious mind of their own, this book sends a powerful reminder: You are not alone. There is hope.
For his part, Thomas Luttrell, PhD. of CARE Counselors, Inc says about the author:

Due to lingering stigma surrounding mental health, many people do not talk about their struggles. By sharing his own story, Randy Fishell leads the way in removing the stigma so that we can all share more openly about the issues we face.
Again, If you have or someone you know has struggled with anxiety, or obsessive-compulsive disorder this is a very helpful book to read.

For more information and for ordering this timely book you can click on this link
To stay in touch with Randy Fishell go to;

Friday, October 5, 2018

End-Time Events and The Last Generation: A Review

This is a new book written by George Knight and published by Pacific Press, which I found very interesting. After talking about some of the issues in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Knight reached a conclusion I quote in part as follows:

And while there are differences, some more significant than others, there must also be the realization that in the ultimate sense none of us have the complete answer. In our earthly existence it is impossible for any of us to be totally right on every point or totally wrong. We have all managed to scoop up both truth and error. And the upshot of that fact is that we can learn from each other. But that learning can only take place if we manage to deal with our differences in the spirit of God’s love.

These thoughts bring me to what I used to tell my students were the eleventh and twelfth commandments. The eleventh is “Thou shalt never trust a theologian,” defined here as anyone who develops a theological position. No one has all of the answers….It is the Word of God that is the ultimate authority. And in that testing we need to do our best to put aside our theories and let God speak.

The twelfth commandment is “Thou shalt not do theology against thy neighbor.” The problem is that if theology is done primarily against one’s opponent we will end up in opposite, polarized, extreme corners and find ourselves with less and less understanding of the other’s true position and more distortion in our own understanding. Perhaps it is better to begin with a focus on agreements rather than differences, and then to discuss differences from the platform of shared beliefs. We just might discover, if we can dialog in a Christian spirit and an open mind, that we share more ideas than we differ on.

We will most likely continue to differ, but we can do so either in the manner of Christ or in the way of the devil. The bottom line is that in the end “all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35
I was blessed in reading this new book by George knight. You can read the first chapter on line for free by clicking here.

Over The Top: A Review

This is not a new title, but I enjoyed reading and was inspired by this book by the late Zig Ziglar who was a very inspirational motivational speaker.

I like Zig’s style (positive and motivational). He always said we each live in the geographical center of the world and can go from where we are to anywhere we want to go, and not just a geographical location. He says it is not an easy trip; it is demanding but also exhilarating.
Here are 14 things Zig says will be true when you are at the top:

1.       You have made friends with your past, and you are focused on the present and optimistic about your future.

2.       You have the love of friends and the respect of your enemies.

3.       You are filled with faith, hope and love and you live without anger, greed, guilt, envy, or thoughts of revenge.

4.       You know that failure to stand for what is morally right is the prelude to be the victim of what is criminally wrong.

5.       You are mature enough to delay gratification and shift your focus from your rights to your responsibilities.

6.       You love the unlovable, give hope to the hopeless, friendship to the friendless, and encouragement to the discouraged.

7.       You know that success (a win) doesn’t make you, and failure (a loss) doesn’t break you.

8.       You can look back in forgiveness, forward in hope, down in compassion, and up with gratitude.

9.       You are secure in who (and whose) you are so you are at with peace with God and in fellowship with man.

10.   You clearly understand that yesterday ended last night, that today is a brand-new day and it’s yours.

11.   You know that “he who would be the greatest among you must become the servant of all.”

12.   You are pleasant to the grouch, courteous to the rude, and generous to the needy because you know that the long-term benefits of giving and forgiving far outweigh the short-term benefits of receiving.

13.   You recognize, confess, develop, and use your God-given physical, mental and spiritual abilities to the glory of God and for the benefit of mankind.

14.   You stand in front of the Creator of the universe, and He says to you, “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”
This book gives a lot of positive help in how to reach this Over the Top goal. I would encourage you to read it. If your local book store does not have a copy on hand you can order it from Amazon and other on line suppliers.

Following The Spirit Disciple-Making, Church-Planting and Movement-Building Today: A Review

Peter Roennfeldt, author of this recent title lives in Australia and has spent his life sharing the gospel, planting churches and serving as a pastor to pastors.

There are 28 chapters in the book of Acts and the author takes us through the book telling an amazing story how Paul planted churches in many cities in the then known world. Roennfedldt points out that the last chapter of Acts stops like the story is not over yet and says that the 29th chapter is now being written by church planters in many countries throughout the world.
The author points out that in the early Christian church, the church was more of a “movement” than a “denomination” and this comes through very clearly in this exciting narrative how Paul went from place to place establishing these churches.

Roennfedldt suggests that it is important for Christians in this time of the earth’s history to be energized to move forward with carrying the gospel wherever it has not been taught yet. He suggests that there are changes that are needed to carry forward the work of spreading the gospel and tells this story to remind us that sometimes change is good.
Bill (not his real name) was in his 90’s. He had brought his wife- he called her “Mum”-to the city for a medical appointment. My being from Melbourne-far on the eastern side of Australia-he was pretty sure I wouldn’t have a clue about the wheat-belt area from which he came. He was surprised that I knew of the little grain-siding towns of Wickepin, Wagin and Williams. When I was a boy, our family spent a few years in the central town of Narrogin, and I could remember the names of some of the farmers and their properties.

He was a successful farmer with three sons. Only one wanted to continue the farm so in his 60’s Bill gave the farm to that son who stayed on the property. Bill and his wife stayed on the farm and his ‘stupid’ son seemed to take little or no advice from him. Bill knew how to run a large property and had been successful, but the more he tried to tell his son what to do, the more fractured their relationship became. It went from bad to worse when Bill learned that his son was selling parts of the land. He sold off acreage and then purchased new pieces of prime farming land. He diversified and now has a much more productive farm then I ever had.

Bill said, ‘Best thing I ever did was hand on the farm. That stupid son of mine is a better farmer than I ever was. And we talk again now.’
The author says: “Are we willing to experience the pain of being a movement again?”

Definitely a book that can stretch our thinking about what God would like to accomplish through his people today.  Click here for information on ordering this book.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Live More Happy: A Review

This brand new book by Dr. Darren Morton contains scientifically proven ways to lift your mood and your life.  Dr. Morton uses the acronym S M I L E R S
Speak Positively

Move Dynamically

Immerse in an uplifting physical and social environment

Look to the Positive

Eat Nutritiously

Rest Well: Sleep/Stress Less


The author talks about the area of the brain that has been referred to as “Limbo,” which the author goes on to explain how that part of our brain can help us to be happier or otherwise.
Our Limbo is the part of our brain that determines how we feel—scientists even refer to it as the “emotional brain.” Put simply, it is our “home of happy,” if we stimulate it in the right way. This is what this book is dedicated to doing-helping us discover  how to stimulate our Limbo in the right way, so we can feel better and “happier” more often—more “up” and less “down”! And there are some really good reasons why we should do this.
Essentially, optimists have a tendency to bombard their Limbo with uplifting words, while pessimists flood theirs with doom and gloom.
Speaking positively to others benefits both them and us.
Of all the means procured by wisdom to ensure happiness throughout the whole of life, by far the most important is the acquisition of friends.
Some people bring happiness wherever they go; others bring happiness whenever they go.
The combined results of more than 100 studies show that strong social relationships are as important to a long life as not smoking.
Expressing gratitude is now known to have many benefits, both mental and physical.
The excitement of looking forward to something can be all it takes to pick us up when we are feeling down.
Dr. Morton says we need Sabbath rest on every seventh day. Studies have shown that just any day of rest does not give the health benefits as resting on the 7th day does.
This is one of the finest books I have ever read and I highly recommend it. Check with your book store for a copy of this book or click here for  information on ordering it.

The half-Stitched Amish Book Club: A Review

Lives are Transformed…One Stitch at a Time

Amish widow Emma Yoder decides to hold quilting classes in her home as a means of becoming self-sufficient. So she advertises in the newspaper for a quilting class and a very interesting combination of people show up for the class.

There’s Star Stephens, a young woman yearning for stability; Pam and Stuart Johnston, a struggling couple at odds in their marriage; Paul Ramirez, a widowed father hoping to find solace in finishing a quilt; Jan Sweet, a rough and tough biker looking for something creative to do; and Ruby Lee Williams a preacher’s wife seeking relaxation amid mounting parish problems.

Emma finds that she is able to not only teach quilting but also to help their fragmented lives to find the help they need from the healing hand of God.
It is a good read and the story shows how God can even use a quilting club to reach people and help them work through the problems in their lives.

If you are not able to locate this book at your book store you can order it from Amazon.
I recommend it highly.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Fake News-How Satan's Lies Are Deceiving Millions: A Review

Jim Gilley covers the following topics in his new book Fake News.

Fake News Is Nothing New

Is God Responsible for Both Good and Evil?

When a Person Dies-What Then?

Are Sinners Burning in Hell Today?

God’s Ten-Commandment Law

God’s Special Day

Knowing and Following Truth

Gilley takes the non-biblical (Fake) understanding of the answers to the questions above and then shows what the Bible clearly teaches.

The book is a good read and reminds us that Satan has been spreading Fake News since before he was cast out of heaven.

You can read the first chapter of this book for free by clicking here.

Love Seasons-Finding love in unlikely places: A Review

Our love is likely to go through different seasons-and, for each of them, Jeffrey and Pattiejean Brown can give us encouragement and counsel, based on Scripture and their years of experience ministering to many couples. Whether you’re married or single, there’s something here that will help you to love.

The authors likened the seasons of love in our life to the seasons of the year; Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter.

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1, ESV

Be prepared in season and out of season. 2 Timothy 4:2 NIV-UK

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. Genesis 8:22, ESV

Because of their experience with counseling many couples through the years they have been able to include real life scenarios to illustrate the seasons of love.

For more information on this helpful book and to find how to order a copy please click here.