Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Skull and the Cross: A Review

The author of this book is Pastor Tom an Avid Biker. More than just riding he loves witnessing to people—especially fellow bikers. Some might call him the missionary rider.

He has chalked up hundreds of thousands of miles riding his Harleys on missionary trips. Pastor Tom has ridden through all 50 states including Alaska. Sturgis, Daytona Beach, Myrtle Beach, Rolling Thunder, and numerous other rallies, which are just some of his mission trips.

As Pastor Tom takes these “soul-searching” trips, he always carries life-saving books and pamphlets to share along the way. He founded Bible Biker Ministries (www.BibleBiker.com), is a member of the Christian Motorcylist Association (CMA) and also the director of Rev it UP! Revival, an annual camp meeting held in Mount Vernon, Ohio. He is currently the pastor of the Newark Church in Newark, Ohio.

He writes:

Christian’s Don’t Get Bikers and Bikers Don’t Get Christians.

In this book he tells of his research that brought out that The Skull and the Cross have been Christian Symbols before they became bikers’ symbols

Amazingly, the word Calvary literally means “Skull” I was shocked by what I found, and you might be also. One thing is for sure, after you read this book, you will never look at the skull and the cross in the same way again.

You can order a copy of this book directly from the author pastortomhughes@gmail.com  or check with your local book store. Pastor hugh's Website

A Distance Too Grand: A Review

This is the 1st book in the new American Wonders Collection. This one is about the Grand Canyon and is published this year 1919 in celebration of the fact that Grand Canyon became a National Park in 1819.

The author has written a fascinating novel- so well written that as my wife and I read it, we could visualize the Grand Canyon from the descriptive words the author uses to describe views of the Grand Canyon that were taken by Meg Pero, the photographer for one of the expeditions there.

In this story Meg Pero had grown up helping her photographer father to take pictures since she was big enough to carry his equipment.

After her father dies, she decides to take over his profession and starts with fulfilling the contract he signed to serve on an army survey of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in 1871. What she doesn’t realize is that the leader of the expedition is the very man she once refused to marry.

Check with your local bookstore or order online from Amazon.com or other online venues.

The ISBN for the book is  9780-0-8007-3639-2

Perfect Grace-It's All About Jesus: A Review

I recommend this book by Pastor Thomas M. Hughes, which I just recently finished reading and was very blessed by what I read.

Before I say more about the book, let me share a few quotes and thoughts on the Gospel and Grace:

A quote from the 16th century reformer, Martin Luther “We need to hear the Gospel every day because we forget it everyday.”

This one I heard from Robert Folkenberg, Seventh-day Adventist pastor and leader: “I met a neighbor who belonged to a Sunday –keeping church. The neighbor asked me-‘do Adventists believe in grace?’ to which Pastor Folkenberg replied, “We believe in grace even more than you do! You only believe in grace for 9 commandments but we believe in grace for all 10.”

My daddy said the letters that spell grace stand for-God’s riches at Christ’s expense.

The book Perfect Grace reminded me of the blessed grace which Jesus has provided for us through His death for us. Here are a few statements that the author made or quoted that I especially like.

Unfortunately, too many of are “achievers rather” than “receivers.”

Your hope is not in yourself; it is in Christ (from the book Steps to Christ.)

Christ’s character stands in place of your character, and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned. (from the book Steps to Christ)

Jesus saves us by His perfect grace alone! He is our only perfection, our only righteousness, our only hope!

As God is holy in His sphere, so fallen man, through faith in Christ is to be holy in his sphere… (from the book Acts of the Apostles)

God’s perfect grace needs no improvement from us.

You can order this book directly from the author. Email him at pastortomhughes@gmail.com  or check with your local Christian book store.To order on line go to Pastor hugh's Website

Monday, December 16, 2019

2 Books by Dan Day: A Review

I recently read two new books by Dan Day an ordained Seventh-day Adventist minister who is the director of special projects for the North American Division headquarters in Columbia Maryland.

8 Secrets to a Mission-Driven Church- Understanding the impact of Strategic Thinking and Deliberate Action

Here are the 8 Secrets:

It is Not Really About Being the Smartest Person in the Room

If You Are Going to Do Something Important, Be Strategic

If the Idea is Good, You Still Have to Market It

Advancing Mission Through Adventist Grit

The Best Future Starts With a Culture of Health

How Emotional, Social, and Spiritual Intelligence Help Us Become Healthier

Holding it Together-Making Church Our Safe Place

How Hope and Wholeness Transform Adventism

Read the first chapter on line, click here.

The Role of the Local Elder-Applying Best Practices for Congregational Leadership

This book is about the local Elder in the church and especially about the head elder. It really shows the importance of the head elder in the leadership of the church and what a vast opportunity he or she has in their leadership of their local church.

Some of the subjects Dan Day covers are:

The Story of the Local Elder in the Bible

The Elder as Shepherd and Teacher

How Nurture Results in Sustainable Church Growth

Providing Leadership Through Times of Crisis

Leading the Church Into Community Engagement

One of the special emphases in the book is the significant influence that the local elder has and that in many instances he may know the congregation and community even more than the local pastor does.

To read the first chapter of this fine book please click here.

America 1844: A Review


1844 was a significant year in the history of the United States!

The presidential election of 1844 was one of the most momentous elections in American history. Had Henry Clay won instead of James K. Polk, we’d be living in a very different country today. Polk’s victory cemented the westward expansion that brought Texas, California, and Oregon into the union. It also took place amid religious turmoil that included anti-Mormon and anti-Catholic violence and the “Great Disappointment,’ in which thousands of followers of an obscure preacher named William Miller believed Christ would return to earth in October 1844.

Author and journalist John Bicknell details even more compelling, interwoven events that occurred during this momentous year: the murder of Joseph Smith, the religious fermentation of the Second Great Awakening, John C Fremont’s exploration of the West, Charles Goodyear’s patenting of vulcanized rubber, the near –death of President John Tyler in a freak naval explosion, and much more—Democrats versus Whigs, Mormons versus Millerites, nativists versus Catholics, those who risked the venture westward versus those who stayed safely behind—and how Polk’s election cemented the vision of a continental nation.

I was inspired by reading this book and learning about so many momentous happenings all in one year.

I believe God led in the things that happened. A  quote that I often  think of states “Above the distractions of this earth God sit’s enthroned. All things are open to His divine survey, and from his great and calm eternity He orders that which His providence sees best.” By Ellen G White

Above All-The Gospel Is The Source Of The Church's Renewal: A Review

Is Gospel Christianity Dead? Pundits are writing the obituary of historic, orthodox Christianity, but pastor and author J.D. Grear believes the post-mortems are premature.

Jesus promised to build his church. He said that the gates of hell would not prevail against it. The church is not going away. Along with this promise, Jesus gave clear instructions for how the church would prevail. He promised to build it on the rock of the gospel.

The most pressing need for Christianity today is not a new strategy. It is not an updated message. It is a return to keeping the gospel above all.

What is the Gospel?

The Gospel is the good news that:

We were dead in our trespasses and sin.

Religion couldn’t help us

New resolutions to change couldn’t help us.

Jesus, the baby born of a virgin in Bethlehem was the Son of God.

He did what we couldn’t do. He lived a righteous life that pleased God.

Still he got crucified on a cross under the curse of sin.

He did that for us.

He died in our place.

But Jesus was raised from the grave to offer new life in his Spirit

Jesus gives this new life to all who call upon him in faith.

‘Therefore there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus’ Rom 8:1.

And now Christ has redeemed us to a life of a love and service where we can reflect to others what he has done for us

The author tells of a conversation he had shortly after he had accepted the call to ministry.

“I had a chance to sit down with a famous senator who had always been a kind of political hero to my family and me,” he writes, “[the Senator] was in his late eighties and had been engaged in politics for decades” so “I told him that I had strongly considered going into politics, but God had called me into ministry.”

“Oh, son,” he said. “You made the right choice. Preaching the gospel to the next generation is far more important than anything I have accomplished on Capitol Hill.”

The author goes on to state that God calls some people into politics and we need to pray for them. But we should never forget that preaching the gospel is the most important thing.

You can purchase this book at your local book store or order it on line.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Devotionals for 2020

True Christian Living doesn’t require perfection, but it does require connection. Jesus gave us an example in Mark 1:35, ‘Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.’ (NIV). Constant connection to God provides power when we are weak, hope when we despair, and love when we feel alone. Set your Pacific Press devotional book on the bathroom counter or the breakfast table as a visual reminder to start your day with power, hope, and love.

There are eight different devotionals from Pacific Press, especially for 2020 meant for different members of the family. Below are links you’ll find description of each book and be able to read online the first chapter of each book for free!

Adult- Jesus Wins by Elizabeth Viera Talbot.  Click here.

Adult Evening-My Life Today by Ellen G White. Click here.

Women’s I Am Loved-Carolyn Rathbun Sutton-editor. Click here.

Young Adult Compassion by Troy Fitzgerald  Click here.

Teen I Am A Witness by Kalie Kelch-Click here.

Junior-Eyes of the Crocodile by Charles Mills-Click here.

Primary-Hiking With Jesus by Jim Feldbush-Click here.

Preschool Hugs From Jesus by Sally Pierson Dillon-Click here.

You will be the same in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read. Charlie “Tremendous” Jones from his book Life is Tremendous.

Reading a Daily Devotional Book daily is a good start on changing your life.

Preaching From the Grave: A Review

This is A Story of Faith from the Rwanda Genocide.

Dr. Phodidas Ndamyumugabe tells the story of how God protected him in Rwanda during the Genocide.

He was 23 years old and had grown up with a loving family in Rwanda.

In 1994 the Genocide broke loose with Hutu extremists killing more than a million Tutsis in just 100 days.

Phodidas dedicated his life to God and was determined to remain faithful to Him. Many miracles happened to him as he fled for his life. His ID card of course identified him as a Tutsi. Time and again one of the militant Hutus would approach him to kill him and at the last moment, turn aside as if a wall had blocked him from carrying out his intentions. Of course he was praying.

Read the story of how he was forced to dig his own grave and permission to preach to them before they killed him. Miraculously, he was permitted to preach, and the militants decided to spare his life. They even had a couple of the militants take him to their house so they could protect him there. That did not work well for long.

Finally the Genocide was over and he was able to go back to his home town. All the other members of his immediate family were killed.

He soon started preaching in various churches and then organized and led an evangelistic series.

It is a great story of faith and you can read the first chapter on line for free- just click here.

Christmas in My Heart # 28: A Review

I love Christmas Stories and have especially enjoyed the Christmas in My Heart series ever since volume 1 came out 28 years ago!

Each year, one of these books comes out and they have all been loved by so many people. Joe Wheeler who has compiled and edited this series has been dubbed by Dr James Dobson as “America’s Keeper of The Story.

This volume # 28 is Dr. Wheeler’s favorite story from each of the books #’s 1-13. He has written a special introduction to each story that ties it with how the series was developing at the time when the specific volume was published.

My wife and I have read the new volume and have enjoyed it a lot. If you have not gotten all the books in the series, this is a good way to get started on this sampling of the first 13 books.

To start, click here and you’ll be able to read the first chapter of this new volume on line for free.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

One More River: A Review

New York Times and CBA bestselling and award winning author Jane Kirpatrick’s recent book  One More River is an amazing story of  a party of 50 who traveled from St. Louis Missouri out to California in covered wagons, horseback and walking in starting in 1844 and arriving in California in 1845. This was the first wagon train into California through the Sierra Nevadas.

In 1844, two years before the Conner Party, the Stephens-Murphy-Townsend company leaves Missouri to be the first wagons into California through the Sierra Nevada. They enjoy a safe journey—until October, when a fierce mountain snowstorm forces difficult decisions.

The party separates in three directions. Some go overland around Lake Tahoe. Others stay to guard the heaviest wagons. The rest of the party, including eight women and seventeen children, huddle in a makeshift cabin at the headwaters of the Yuba River awaiting rescue. The months ahead will be long and at times terrifying. But with friendship, family, and enough courage to overcome their fear, these intrepid pioneers will discover what truly matters in times of trial.

This novel is based on a true story for which the author did diligent research to learn as much as possible about this incredible journey. In this story she emphasizes the strength, courage and fortitude of the women as well as the men.

When the group of mostly women and children had to wait in the makeshift cabin through the winter awaiting rescue one has to admire their courage as they made do with very little food.

It is an amazing story of how these intrepid pioneers never gave up and did what was necessary to survive.

Courage doesn’t always roar . Sometimes courage is that little voice that at the end of the day says “I’ll try again tomorrow.” Mary Anne Radmacher

Check for this inspiring book at your favorite book store or order it on line.

Called to Forgive: A Review

The author of this new book, Anthony B. Thompson is the pastor of Holy Trinity Reformed Episcopal Church of Charleston, SC. His wife Myra Thompson was one of the victims in the Charleston Church Shooting at the Mother Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston SC.

This is the story of what happened that night when the shooting took place:

On June 17, 2015, Dylan Roof, a young white man, attended the Wednesday evening Bible Study at the predominantly black Emmanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. An hour later, Roof pulled a concealed weapon and killed nine African-Americans as they prayed including Myra Thompson, the wife of Reverend Anthony Thompson. Myra’s murder devastated Anthony, yet he chose to privately and publicly forgive the shooter.

Many in the church and community still struggle to understand Reverend Thompson’s deliberate choice to forgive the racist murderer. But as Charlestonians witnessed this incredible act of forgiveness, something significant happened within the community. Instead of the expected racial riots in the aftermath of the shooting, black and white leaders and residents united, coming together peaceably and even showing acts of selfless love.

This book is the account of Reverend Thompson wife’s murder, the grief he experienced, and the radical choice to forgive the killer. But beyond that, Reverend Thompson casts a compelling vision of the power of forgiveness to transform our lives-personally, in our communities, and even in our nation.

Be inspired by this remarkable story and discover how the difficult decision to forgive can become the key to radical change.

The author not only tells his personal story of loss and forgiveness but also tells of others who have exercised the choice to forgive.

The author says that he had to forgive so he would no longer be controlled by what happened to his wife. Also he has written to Roof and is praying that he will turn to God and be able to receive the forgiveness which he needs.

Look for this book in your favorite book store or order on line.

A Living Sacrifice: A Review

From the time of the apostles and especially the Apostle Paul there have been many missionaries’ fulfilling Jesus’s mandate: “Go ye into al the world and preach the gospel to every creature,” which I to Adventist is still a very important calling. If you have grown up going to Sabbath School and to church school you should definitely have heard a lot of mission stories. However many stories have fallen under the radar so to speak.

David Trim author of this collection of missionary stories mostly tells stories of little-known missionaries.

In the late 19th century and early 20th century many missionaries went forth from the United States to many parts of the world. Many died at a young age (in their 20’s or 30’s) due to diseases that they got in various parts of the world to which they were sent.

Often the missionaries coming from the United States unused to the severe tropical weather and other privations which they endured in these far-flung mission fields died within a few short years of arrival in their mission territory. But somehow almost always there were more missionaries ready to answer the call to go and preach the gospel.

This book is inspiring and can also made me feel extremely blessed to be able to live in surroundings that are so much more healthful than many of these “Unsung Heroes of Adventist Missions” gave their lives literally.

Click here and you can read on line the first chapter of this remarkable book.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ezra and Nehemiah: A Review

This is  a new book written by  Jiri Moskala-it  may be used as a companion book to the Bible Study Guide on Ezra and Nehemiah that many are studying in this 4th quarter of 2019.  The book also stands alone as a good study on these two Old Testament books.

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah begin with great expectations and hope.  God intervened in human history, and wonderful things started to happen.

Sometimes we may overlook parts of the Old Testament which we are not so familiar with. Just recently my wife and I read through the Old Testament in the Easy English Clear Word Bible. If you are having a challenge with the Bible, I encourage you to read this delightful paraphrase as well as use helpful books like this one entitled Ezra and Nehemiah.

Some excerpts from the introduction to this book:

The God of Ezra and Nehemiah is alive and real. He is the Lord of history and intervenes favorably with humankind because He loves us and cares for our well-being. Ezra and Nehemiah experienced this favorable intervention, and both testify that ‘the gracious hand’ of their God was on them. Like these leaders of old, we also observe how God has worked in history and are drawn to His incomparable love and providence.

In spite of the calamities that befell Israel because of the nation’s transgressions God’s people experienced His love and mercy.

The God of Ezra and Nehemiah, Israel’s Leader and Lord of the universe, dwells with those who are humble and repentant in their attitude toward Him and seek to follow His principles.

The books of Ezra and Nehemiah are precious jewels and deserve careful study. Like shining diamonds, they will bring joy to those who value them

Youi can read the complete first chapter of this new book on line—click here. Then you can either order the book on line or purchase it at an Adventist Book store.

Sharpening and Shaping Your Sermon: A Review

This book is A Call for Authentic Preaching for Proclaiming the Gospel, and Sharing the Faith.

The authors Mervyn A. Warren and Benjamin F Reaves are two of the original teachers of preaching at Oakwood University for a half century.

The authors discuss sermon content and sermon design, and identify and discuss these important points

Sermon Message Feeds on Scripture

Preacher Ethos Reflects Godliness

Sermon Truth Centers in Christ

Preacher Focus Serves Audience Needs

Preaching Deserves Genuine Identity

The Preacher Needs a Personal Process

Personal Process Provides Sermon Benefits

Process Types and Sources Facilitate the Preparation Journey.

You can read the first chapter of this book at this link by clicking here.

The Timepice: A Review

This is a sequel to The Tinderbox which I previously reviewed on this blog.

The Timepiece is the story of Sylvia Miller from Beverly Lewis the # 1 Author of Amish Fiction.

Sylvia Miller has always held a special place in her Old Order family, one Adeline Pelham jeopardizes when she unexpectedly shows up in hickory Hollow. Adeline’s very existence is a reminder of the painful secret that has so recently upended the Miller household, making this a challenging time to welcome an Englisher-especially this Englisher-into their midst. Does Adeline’s arrival mark one too many surprises for the Millers and their Amish community? Or can God bring something good out of the mistakes of the past?

I have enjoyed quite a few of Beverly Lewis’s Amish Fiction books, and recommend them as good interesting stories and a wonderful way to learn about the Amish people. Beverly Lewis’s stories bring out good Christian principles.

When I was working at the LivingWell Book Store one of the special author appearances we had was having Beverly Lewis at the store for a book signing.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Loving My Actual Neighbor-7 Practices to Treasure the People Right in Front of You: A Review

Alexandra Kuykendall, author of this new title from Baker Books has written this book to help us to see how we can Love our Neighbor who lives next door or down the street anywhere nearby. She also states that we have “neighbors all over the world-but this book is specifically written to help us with our need to love our neighbor who is right close by.”

Dave Runyon, coauthor of the book The Art of Neighboring states:

We have an opportunity to send the world a message of hope by caring for the people right around us. Loving My Actual Neighbor offers practical approaches to connecting with our neighbors, our officemates, and the person we find standing next to us on the soccer sidelines.

Here are some of the points that the author covers:

Holding a Posture of Humility

Asking Questions to Learn

Being Quiet to Listen

Standing in the Awkward

Accepting What Is

Lightening Up

Giving Freely

In the introduction the author quotes C.S. Lewis who wrote:

“Do not waste time bothering whether you “love” your neighbor: act as if you did.

As soon as we do this we find one of the great secrets. When you are behaving as if you loved someone, you will presently come to love them.

The author uses a lot of illustrations from her life and others from her church on how they practiced the art of loving ones neighbor. She suggests that sometimes we may feel awkward and sometime we won’t know what to do but we and our neighbors will be blessed when we take the opportunity to reach out to our neighbors in small or large ways.

You can order this book on line or check for it at your favorite book store.

Dssperate Forgiveness-How Mercy Sets You Free: A Review

Al and Lisa Robertson from Duck Dynasty are the authors of this recent title from Focus on the Family and Tyndale House Publishers.

I am interested in books dealing with forgiveness because I know it is one of the most needed item in this world.

In Desperate Forgiveness you’ll learn how to:

Recognize the freedom found in letting go of bitterness,

Realize the necessity and power of humility,

Receive forgiveness as well as offer it, and genuinely embrace forgiveness and live it out each day.

Let Desperate Forgiveness help you find your way to freedom today!

The authors tell their personal story which is a rather wild story and they also bring in other stories to illustrate the power of forgiveness- both receiving it and giving it.

Click here and you can read excerpts from this book on line for free. You can either order the book on line or purchase it at your local book store.

God's Truth Can Change Your Life: A Review

This new book by George R. Knight assures us that truly God’s Truth Can Change Your Life, that the Bible is where God’s truth is revealed.

Dr. Knight focuses on a number of the significant truths from the Bible. I will comment on a couple of them from this book.

Jesus: The Center of the Story

You don’t have to be a Christian to know that there is something special about Jesus. After all, even the dating system upon which our calendars are based is divided between B.C. (before Christ) and A.D. (anno Domini, Latin for “in the year of our Lord”). No wonder Jesus has been called the hinge of history. Our very understanding of history puts Jesus at the center.

The same picture is found in the Bible. The Old Testament points forward to Jesus as the Lamb of God who will take away the sins of the world. And the New Testament looks back on His life, death, and the church He founded to take His teachings to the far corners of the earth. Thus Jesus is not only the focal point of history but also the very center of the Bible story.

Jesus is truly the center of history, the Bible and God’s rescue plan. But those facts will do us absolutely no good unless we make Him the very center of our lives.

Judgment is Good News

For sin pays its wage-death; but God’s free gift is eternal life in union with Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23 GNT

Those who accept Jesus by faith have nothing to fear in the judgment. In fact, God established the judgment to determine who are willing to be forgiven….This is very good news!

The good news is that the Judge is on our side.

The good news is that the Judge sent the Savior.

The good news is that all who have accepted Jesus’ life and death are safe in Him.

The good news is that the purpose of the judgment is the vindication of God’s people.

I recommend this book. You can read the first chapter on line for free- click here.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

The Hawaiian Discovery: A Review

This is the sequel to The Hawaiian Quilt.  Authors Wanda Brunstetter with her daughter-in-law Jean Brunstetter have written another great book.

In The Hawaiian Quilt the story is about Mandy and three of her friends taking a trip to Hawaii.  It is a cruise from California to Hawaii, then from island to island and then cruising back to California. Well two of the girls; Mandy and Ellen miss the cruise ship and end up spending a number of months in Hawaii helping at a Bed and Breakfast. Mandy falls in love with a young man Ken, who she marries, and they settle in Indiana near to Mandy’s family.

In the Hawaiian Discover Ken and Mandy have opened a Bed and Breakfast in Indiana Ellen works for them at the B and B. Then the phone call. Ken’s dad has died back in Hawaii. Ken and Mandy decide that they need to go to Hawaii to help Ken;’s Mom during this time of loss.  So they leave the B and B in the care of Ellen.

Ken and Mandy arrive in Hawaii and help take care of Ken’s parent’s Organic Chicken farm. It soon becomes apparent that they are going to need to spend quite a bit of time there in Hawaii. Ken goes surfing one day and is attacked by a shark and ends up almost dying.

Meanwhile, Mandy and Ken have put their Bed and Breakfast in Indiana up for sale and it sells and now Ellen is out of a job and is available to fly to Hawaii to be of comfort and assistance to her best friend Mandy.

Ellen is a big help and she becomes acquainted with a young man who is helping on the Chicken Farm. Ellen is Amish and the young man is English. You must read the book to learn how God worked this out for both.

“Cast thy burden upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee.”  Psalm 55:22.

I enjoyed this book very much and highly recommend it. You can order it on line from various venues like Amazon.com or purchase it at your local book store.

Healing Depression for Life: A Review

Author Gregory L. Jantz, PhD says in the introduction to his new book Healing Depression for Life: "Help Is on the Way."

An emphatic point the author makes is that one must have a holistic approach when dealing with depression. As an illustration, he tells the story of one of his patients whose name was John. John was in his early forties and was severely depressed. He had been depressed for a long time. By the time he checked into “The Center,” he was 100 pounds overweight. He had visited various practitioners. But no one had asked a simple question, “what’s going into your mouth every day?”

It turns out that among other things John was drinking on the average twelve pots of coffee every day. John shared that no one had ever asked how much coffee he drank so he had never thought to mention it. He was definitely addicted to Coffee!

Thankfully with some help at the clinic, John adjusted his diet, cut his coffee back to almost nothing and began to exercise and he improved rapidly.

Healing depression is not only possible; it is achievable. But it will require taking a hard look at your life and adjusting your lifestyle—in some cases permanently. The whole person plan is not a magic bullet, nor is it a once for all fix. The road to wellness is less like a detour back to where you were going and more like following a new road to a new destination

Here are some of the important points that the author emphasizes:

The Curative Power of a Solid Night’s Sleep

How Overuse of Technology Erodes Mental Health

How to Tame Chronic Stress and Regain Emotional Wellness

Uncovering Hidden Addictions Can Set You Free

How Unresolved Anger, Guilt, and Fear Undermine Healing

Forgiveness Is the Remedy-and a Relief for Depression

Spiritual Practices Are Essential to Healing from Depression

Physical Activity Provides a Massive Boost to Your Mood and Metabolism

Proper Nutrition and Hydration Fortify Your Body to Fend Off Depression

Detox Your Body of Pollutants to Improve Your Overall Wellness

The Little-Known Power of Psychobiotics to Relieve Depression

Enjoy a Big Boost from Nutritional Supplements

Maintain Your Momentum for the Rest of Your Life

For more information on this book please click here . You can order a copy on line or visit your local book store to purchase a copy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Paul Harvey's America: A Review

I read this book this month and am inspired by this story of Paul Harvey and the America he so loved very much.

The first chapter tells how Paul Harvey was born September 4, 1918 in Tulsa Oklahoma and when he was 3 years old his father, a police officer, was shot and died. Paul Harvey grew up without any clear memories of his father.

A very special teacher in high school recognized his talents for speaking and writing and took him down to the radio station and introduced him to the manager and stated, “This young man ought to be on the radio.”  Paul recalled later that she wasn’t prepared to accept no for an answer and Paul got his first radio job that day. It was unpaid apprentice work but he was thrilled to be working at the radio station.

In this book you will read about Paul meeting his wife to be “Angel” and he proposed on that first date.  She did not accept the proposal for about one year. But they got married and were a team.

Paul had a unique way of presenting the news and soon became a popular newsman.

He was still popular when in his 80’s he signed a ten year contract for $100 million dollars with ABC radio network. The same network he had been with for 50 years! (He believed in loyalty.)

Here are a few of Paul Harvey’s Maxims:

Love what you do, or do something else

Never feel resentment for those who have more than you. Remember we live in a wonderful land in which any man willing to stay on his toes can reach for the stars.

It is important to build an intellectual base for your goals. In this regard, formal education is fine, but self-education is vital.

You never accomplish anything by talking over the heads of others.

We can live longer if we behave ourselves—if we just practice self-discipline. Most of what ails us is self-inflicted.

Read this story and be inspired. Click here for more information and to order copies at a special price from Amazon.com.

Soul Care: A Review

This book by Gregory L Jantz, PhD contains Prayers, Scriptures, and Spiritual Practices for When You Need Hope the Most!

We live in stressful and uncertain times, leaving many of us feeling overwhelmed and overcome. Soul Care by Dr Gregory Jantz, mental health expert and author of Healing Depression for Life, is a healing collection of inspirational quotes, Scriptures, and prayers to help you or a friend get through times of emotional turmoil. Soul Care is a calming and comforting resource to help cultivate a healthy, faith-filled emotional life.

One of my favorite chapters in this book is entitled Laughter.

Sometimes wisdom can be found in the most unlikely places. That’s certainly true of this lyric from a 1977 hit song by Jimmy Buffett: “If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.” Now I doubt Buffett knew that he had science on his side, but as it turns out, the Physical, Psychological, and Emotional payoff of laughter is no joke. In fact, studies have shown that laughter is good for your health. Among the benefits identified by recent studies are

Reduced stress levels,

Improved immune system function,

Increased levels of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and

Increased heart rate and oxygenation of vital organs.

C.S. Lewis is quoted as writing “Joy is the serious business of heaven.”

For more information about this book and to order on line click here. You can also check for this book at your favorite book store.

Secrets to Wellnes: A Review

Water, exercise, love, lifestyle, nutrition, environment, sunshine, sleep—(The first letters of these words spell Wellness).

This recent book by Ernestine “Teenie” Finley covers all these topics. Mark Finley wrote the introduction for the book- the following quotes are taken from the introduction.

The book (Secrets to Wellness) …can change your life. These principles have changed the lives of countless people who have heard my wife, Ernestine, speak on wellness at large gatherings, attended one of her Natural Lifestyle Cooking School events, or participated in one of her many lifestyle seminars. She is an engaging presenter, a knowledgeable health lecturer, and an inspiring wellness enthusiast. She not only passionately believes the principles she shares but also lives them.

These pages take an integrated approach to health, combining its physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual dimensions. One of this book’s most powerful features is presenting God as the architect of good health and His power as the means of accomplishing our goals.

Why should you read this book? Any woman who begins running marathons at seventy, places in the top two in her age group, and completes the marathon with no pain has something worthwhile to say. Read on, and you will be well on your way to better health and a more abundant life.

At the end of each chapter are “Teenie” Tips which give several specific things one can do to promote their health based on the chapter just finished.

The book quotes several studies of health benefits from eating nuts several times a week. After reading this, I went right out and bought a package of walnuts and intend to make nuts a more regular part of my diet.

You can read the first chapter of this book on line. Click here!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hit Hard-One Family's Journey of Letting Go of What Was-and Learning to Live Well with What Is: A Review

LIFE HIT PAT AND TAMMY McLEOD HARD when their son Zach collapsed on a high school football field; he had sustained a severe brain injury. Facing the devastating possibility that things would never be the same for their beloved son, they committed to staying strong as a family and finding a way to maintain their footing. But the process would reshape their faith, their family, and their future in ways that they never saw coming.

What would it take for them to navigate the endless fallout of their son’s life-transforming injury? How could they reconcile their grief over the life Zach lost, with gratitude for the life that remained? And how does a couple move forward together in their search for hope, rather than letting indefinable loss drive them apart?

Hit Hard is the true story of the McLeod’s journey through ambiguous loss, both having and not having their son. It’s the story of a family who faced unexpected heartbreak, a story that offers us all glimpses of how we can pick up the pieces, redefine expectations, and trust God for hope in the midst of unresolved pain.

Shortly before this football accident happened Zach and family plus 25 students from Harvard and Sanford Universities had taken a trip to south Africa. This was a short learning project to assist at an orphanage where children orphaned by HIV/AIDS as well as children with severe physical and mental disabilities were cared for. 16 year old Zach was a real hit with the children in the orphanage.

The accident that changed Zach and his family’s life forever occurred when he returned home and back to his high school.

Naturally, there was hope Zach would be healed. However, as more treatment and surgeries went on, it became evident that Zach’s life would never be the same as he had been before.

Tammy tended to look at what they had lost. Pat tended to look at what they still had so sometimes they seemed to have a high wall between them. Finally, it sank in on both of them that they needed to accept what had happened and be thankful for what they now had and move on with their life.  

Zach is wonderfully a blessing to many people with his cheerful attitude.

For more about this book click here. Check with your book store or order on line to get a copy.

Wired That Way-A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Maximizing Your Personality Type: A Review

Author, Marita Littauer, the daughter of nationally recognized Personality expert Florene Littauer, grew up with “The Personalities” as part of her daily life. She offers a fresh perspective on identifying the Personality needs of others,

A great resource! Wired That Way will help you learn to connect with people more effectively on personal, social and professional levels. You might even learn something about yourself in the process! Quote by Cyndy Salzmann a national speaker and author.

Well written books, such as Wired That Way about the temperaments fascinate me. They bring so many insights to me and others as well as helps us to understand that people with other temperaments truly do see things in different ways. Understanding that helps us to relate with each other in a better way.

There are 4 main “Personalities” and here they are;

Popular Sanguines: “Let’s do it the fun way.”

Powerful Cholerics: “Let’s do it my way.”

Perfect Melancholies: “Let’s do it the right way.”

Peaceful Phlegmatics: “Let’s do it the easy way.”

As the author brings out most everyone has a couple of these that are more dominant in their personality. She tells numerous stories how that when people have learned to understand what personality mixture  someone is coming from how much easier it is to learn to relate with them.

This personality matrix brings out our strengths and weaknesses in each one of us.

Wired that Way is a great book to read and is available at bookstores and online.

J. N. Andrews-Mission Pioneer, Evangelist, and Thought Leader: A Review

Gilbert Valentine, author of this new title in the Adventist Pioneer series has spent 10 years researching and writing this more than 700-page biography of John Nevins Andrews.

I am drawing a lot from the forward by George R. Knight who is also the editor for this series of books on Adventist pioneers.

So what do you know about John Nevins Andrews? Probably that he was the first foreign missionary officially sponsored by Seventh-day Adventists, perhaps that his scholarly History of the Sabbath put him at the forefront of the denomination’s early scholars, and maybe that Adventism’s flagship educational institution (Andrews University) was named after this hardworking individual who combined evangelistic mission with thorough scholarship, thereby setting the ideal for Adventist Education,

But Andrews was much more than that. Like most early Adventist leaders, he had to wear many hats, including the presidency of the General Conference and the editorship of the Review and Herald. Valentine helps us capture the man.

J. N. Andrews is considered one of the “Big 5” of early Adventism. The other 4 have at least two well-researched biographies each. This new book is the first for Andrews.

Valentine characterizes Andrews as James White’s Melanchthon.

Just as the charismatic Martin Luther led the way in the Reformation, and it was the scholarly Philipp Melanchthon who systematized Luther’s thought, so it was that the dynamic and inventive White had Andrews to work out the details and extensions of Adventism’s developing theology and polity. Readers will discover that in nearly every challenge in Adventism’s first twenty-five years, White requested Andrews to study the topic from the Bible and write out his findings for the church at large.

In many ways, the book is a history of early Adventism from a new perspective. Central to that new perspective is what I will call “texture.” And into that category fall such topics as what it was like to be an Adventist in the turbulent years after Millerism’s Great Disappointment and the extreme sacrifices experienced by early workers and their families. I know of no more graphic treatment of those subjects than the material in this book.

Valentine puts flesh and faces on many of the pioneers who guided Adventism through its early decades and the complex interaction between them. And to put it bluntly, it is sometimes a messy picture.

George Knight concludes the foreword to this book with the statement “I trust that reading J. N. Andrews will be a fascinating and profitable journey.”

For me it definitely was a “fascinating and profitable journey.”

Here are a few of what I consider significant highlights in John Nevins Andrews’ story; he:

·         experienced the Great Disappointment of 1844 as a teenager

·         served two one-year terms as General Conference President

·         was president of the New York State Conference for nearly a decade

·         served as interim senior editor of the Review.

·         was elected a member of the General Conference executive committee for many years and served on both the influential Publishing House Executive Committee as well as other institutional boards.

·         was the first official Seventh-day Adventist overseas missionary

·         kept up his friendship with the Seventh-day Baptists who had introduced him to the biblical understanding of the importance of the 7th day Sabbath and he continued his relationship with 7th day Baptists throughout his life.

I hope you will read this book. As a starter click here and you can read the first chapter on line.

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Sonship of Christ: A Review

Ty Gibson, author of this new book The Sonship of Christ has down a masterful job of helping explain in what sense Christ is the Son of God.

Ty Gibson says we need to take the Bible from beginning to end and learn about the Covenant that God made with his people and realize that the term Son as applied to Christ is a Covenantal term referring to the Covenant that is told through out the Bible.

Christ was the one who fulfilled the Covenant that God had from the very beginning to bring people back to a relationship with Him

Covenant, in a nutshell, is omnidirectional love; love between God and humans. love between humans and humans, and love between humans and the creation over which they have charge.

A covenant was made, to which God was faithful and Israel was not. As the Son of God, the life of Jesus was a complete and faithful reenactment of Israel’s history. It would not be an exaggeration to say that this is the whole point of the Bible.

In becoming the Son of God, God bent reality itself, His reality, to meet us in our need. God did this for you. for me. He became what He was not so that we could become all we’re meant to be. This is the story of the Bible, and it’s nothing short of the best story imaginable, because it’s a covenant story… and that means it’s a love story.

I recommend this book- As a starter click here and you can read the first chapter for free on line.

Have You Ever Been Lost: A Review

Chris Holland, author of this recent title, is speaker/director for It Is Written Canada. He has been a pastor and teacher of Bible Prophecy for many years. He is known for his clear presentations of God’s Word, and his greatest joy is to see lives transformed by the living power of Jesus Christ

The message of this book is based on three parables that Jesus told which are recorded in Luke 15. The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin and The Prodigal Son The last chapter of this book is entitled Three Strikes but Not Out.

The three parables are about the truth that Jesus desires to find us and bring us back to himself. As a Shepherd goes to seek his one lost sheep so Jesus is searching for each one of his children who is lost. The sheep knew he was lost but did not know how to get back home.  The coin is lost and illustrates the one who does not know they are lost but Jesus still can find even those who do not know that they are lost. The Prodigal son knew that he was lost, and he could make the decision to turn back toward home. Yet truly it was the love of the father that brought him home and restored him to being a member of the family.

The final chapter-Three Strikes but Not Out, uses the story of the disciple Peter who denied Jesus three times yet still Jesus accepted him back as one of his disciples.

You may have been away from Jesus and not known it; you might belong to a church but feel lost; you might have intentionally walked away; or you might have even denied Him. The promise of Jesus is that He will take you back. Though you’ve been lost, He will restore you. All of heaven will have a celebration when Jesus ultimately brings us home to be with Him and we are forever safe. The Father will be waiting with open arms.

You can read the first chapter of this book for free on line, click here.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Next Right Thing: A Review

This new book by Emily Freeman shares a truth that is not new but is very helpful. Often all we need to know is what the next right thing is and to do it.

Doing the next right thing is good advice (writes Freeman), but it didn’t sink in for me fully until I started noticing it in the Gospels. So often, right after Jesus performed a miracle, he gave a simple next thing to do.

To the leper he said to tell no one, “But go and show yourself to the priest” (Luke 5:14).

To the paralytic, he said, “Get up, pick up your stretcher and go home” (Luke 5:14).

To Jairus and his wife after raising their daughter from the dead, when he had their full and complete attention, and when chances were good he could get them to swear their lives away for his sake, he did not perform a lecture about dedicating their lives to him or about what grand plans he had for their girl now that she was alive. Instead, he told them to give her something to eat (Luke 8:55). After raising their daughter from the actual dead, the one thing Jesus told them in the face of their rapt attention was to go make lunch. At first glance, that seems like a waste of a captive audience.

Rather than a life plan , a clear vision, or a five-year list of goals, the leper, the paralytic, and Jairus and his wife were given clear instructions by Jesus what to do next-and only next. Perhaps he knew something about our addiction to clarity.

It is estimated that adults make over 35,000 decisions every day.

Freeman writes that the purpose of this book is to help us to be able to clarify what the next right thing for us is. I found her reminder that often just clarifying the next right thing makes life more livable, and of course there always will be the next right thing to choose.

For more about this book and to order on line click here. You can also purchase it at book stores.

STANDING TOGETHER-The Inspirational Story of a Wounded Warrior and Enduring Love: A Review

Carlos and Rosemarie will bring you to tears-and cheers-with their frank story of hardship-and victory- after major trauma. Their vivid narrative of tough times, tough love, and God’s grace shows the way through both terrible circumstances and struggles of the soul. They don’t give you a feel-good formula or how to tale. They do share how they beat the odds against survival and recovery by leaning on God and all the good people in their lives. You don’t have to love God or love marines to be enriched here, but you cannot read their story without coming to love Carlos and Rosemarie and being grateful for this time spent with them. You’ll learn from them that with Christ all things are possible-Mark A Jumper, PhD, director of Chaplaincy and Military affairs and assistant professor, Regent University School of Divinity,

This is an amazing story about Carlos and Rosemarie. Carlos was in his fourth deployment, this one in Afghanistan. On a patrol in a Humvee they drove over an IED (a mine). Carlos was ok but within that same week he stepped on another IED and lost both his legs as well as his left hand.

There were times he wished he had died, but he did not die. This story relates how he and his wife were able to cope with the recovery stage and finally come out victorious. It was a terrific struggle-years long.

But with the blessing of God and many people they were able to come through it. Now they serve in a ministry reaching out especially to other wounded warriors.

This is a truly inspiring story of faith. Please click here for more information about this book.

40 Days-Prayers and Devotions on Praising God

40 Days Prayers and Devotions on Praising God is Dennis Smith’s 9th book in his very popular 40 Days Devotional book series. I think it is one of the best!

I especially like the 2nd devotion in this book entitled Praise is a Choice. Here are some of the highlights from this reading:

Maintaining an attitude of praise toward God is a choice. Paul emphasized this point when he wrote, Finally brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever thigs are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8).

This advice is given in the context of Paul counseling the Christians not to worry…To avoid worry and anxiety, one must develop the habit of maintaining an attitude of praise and thanksgiving to God.

Everyone has trials and difficulties in life, and everyone has blessings. We have a choice to dwell either on the difficulties of the blessings.

All of us have roses and thorns along the path of life. We can either praise God for the roses, or curse the thorns. I guarantee you will have better emotional, physical, and spiritual health if you praise God for the roses.

How much better it is to praise God for the roses. One’s life will be much happier doing this, and one will be much more pleasant to be around. Praising God is a choice

All 40 readings in this devotional encourage us to praise God. One can use this as a personal devotional study or as a group study.

I encourage you to praise God more each day. To read the first chapter of this book and be inspired as I have been reading it, click here. You can also purchase the book at a bookstore or online.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Church Triumphant-Called to a Prophetic Destiny: A Review

This is the latest book by Mark Finley. He has written more than 70 books and each one is always very worthwhile reading.

You can read the first chapter of this brand new book on line as well as an interview with Mark Finley about the book by clicking here.

This new book reminds me about a story I heard told by Zig Ziglar some years ago.

Zig Ziglar said “I am from Dallas Texas and I am a Dallas Cowboys Football Fan” and then went on to tell this story how hewas once watching his team play and part way through the game, the opposing team seemed to be  slaughtering the Dallas Cowboys and while many of the Cowboy Fans were weeping and wailing. Zig said he had confidence in his team and had no question that they would win so he did not sweat too much over the situation when it looked like they would not. And yes Dallas Cowboys won! Zig then said, “well I should be honest with you I was watching a replay of the game on TV!” However, he said it is an illustration that we can have confidence who is going to win in the end of this earth’s history because we have read the last chapters of Revelation and we know that God does win!

Please be sure and click on this link here and read both the first chapter of this book and the interview with Mark Finley about the book because that will give you the best information on the message of this book.

Defying Jihad: A Review

This is the dramatic true story of a woman who volunteered to kill “infidels”—and then faced death for becoming one.

Esther was born into a Muslim home: She writes:

This memoir is the true story of my journey from growing up in a militant Muslim family to my life-changing encounter with Jesus. For the protection of my family-both those who remain in Pakistan and those in the United States- I have changed some of the names and specific locations, and in the case of my children, I have created a composite character to safeguard their identities.

I would also like to acknowledge that my story is just that-my story. Not all Muslims are extremists, and not all Muslims interpret jihad the way my community did. I hope this book gives you a window into a life you may not know much about, and I hope it encourages dialogue among people of various cultural and religious backgrounds.

Esther was the third daughter-so far no sons. She was considered bad luck and never felt that her father really accepted her.  She was a very good student and desperately wanted to continue her education beyond what was the norm for Muslim girls where she grew up. When she persisted in continuing with her education, she was granted permission but was required to go to a school that trained young people to be terrorists.

One day the question was asked, “Are there any volunteers for Jihad?” She held her hand up high. At the age of 18 she had just volunteered to die-and kill- for radical Islam.

But then she had a dream and met Jesus in this dream.

Defying Jihad  is the incredible true story of a woman prepared to surrender all for God—and whose life was transformed from one of terror to one of overwhelming love.

For more on this story click here and learn more about this true story. You can shop for this book in your local bookstore or order online.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Creation? Really? : A Review

I found this book fascinating. It is written in a dialogue fashion between Carl, who believes in God and a literal Creation, and Ed who does not believe in either.

They are going on a geology trip together in the western United States, and their differing views dominate the conversations during the trip.

It is quite interesting to see how the same “evidence” can be used to defend either viewpoint-Creation or Evolution and that it is difficult to be totally objective in ones interpretation of the “evidence.” I was impressed how the Creationist aimed very carefully to be objective in interpreting the evidence found.

I encourage you to click here and read on line the first chapter of this book.  You can then either order a copy of the book online or you can check with your local book store to purchase a copy.

I personally find it much more uplifting to believe that God is our Creator then to think that we and this earth evolved from an undetermined source.

As Light Lingers: A Review

Many people have endorsed this recent book by Nina Atcheson. Here are a couple of the endorsements.

Melody Mason best-selling author of Daring to Ask for More writes:

As Light Lingers is deeply moving as well as practical and is sure to revive your Bible study time! Nina Atcheson has obviously been gifted by the Holy Spirit in her writing of this beautiful book. I used my highlighter often while reading and was convicted afresh of my own need for a much deeper experience in God’s Word. I look forward to sharing this resource widely!

Jeffrey Brown, Associate Secretary General Conference Ministerial Association writes:

Nina Atcheson urges us not to let devotional books rob us of the beauty of simply reading or listening to the Word of God. Whether you prefer written contemplation or oral reflection, we can all receive the blessing that comes from meditating on what the Spirit, through God’s Word, is personally and practically saying to each of us in these last days. Atcheson is right-a consistent devotional life is non-negotiable-for an individual, a couple, and a family.

Atcheson- tells about how that spending more time “Basking in the Light” of God’s Word has made changes in her life and her children’s lives also.

So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;

It shall not return to Me void,

But it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.

(Isaiah 55:11)

Atcheson writes:

This verse is one of my favorite promises in the Bible. It tells me that God’s word is so powerful that it will change situations and lives and will make people prosper.

In this book Atcheson tells of several ways of study that have been helpful to her. I know you can receive a real blessing from reading this book. For more information on this book and to watch a short video  overview of this book please click here.

Something that I have found a blessing in my life is reading through the 4 Gospels each month. There are 89 chapters in total for the 4 gospels so if you average three chapters a day you will easily get through in one month. (In February you will need to double up a little bit since there are only 28 days.)

Overcomer-What do you Allow to Define you?: A Review

This new book is based on the new motion picture, Overcomer, by Alex Kendrick and Stephen Kendrick, who are brothers. Before this movie, the brothers’ latest movie is War Room, which continues to be popular on DVD.

The film Overcomer will be showing in theaters August 2019 and should be available on DVD before the end of 2019.

My wife and I just read the book Overcomer which has just come off the press and find it a tremendous story.


Life changes overnight for coach John Harrison when his high school basketball team’s state championship dreams are crushed under the weight of unexpected news. When the largest manufacturing plant in town suddenly shuts down and hundreds of families begin moving away, John must come to grips with the challenges facing his family and his team. Urged by the school’s principal to coach a sport he doesn’t know or like, John is frustrated and questioning his worth…until he crosses paths with a student struggling with her own journey.

Filled with a powerful mix of faith, a twist of humor, and a ton of heart, the Kendrick Brothers return to theaters with Overcomer, an inspiring family drama that dares to leave you filled with hope, inspired to dream, and asks the question: What do you allow to define you?

I encourage you to read this book before or after you watch the movie. You can gain many more details reading the book that it will make the movie even better for you after reading the book.

Hannah the struggling student is being raised by her grandmother. She has gotten into trouble at her previous schools. When Hannah and her grandmother visit the Brookshire Christian School, they are impressed with the principal and the nice facilities but are sure they will not afford the tuition. When the principal tells them that a friend of the school has already paid the whole year’s tuition, it is a blessing they cannot turn down! Hannah needs to be in school, anyway, and this may just be the opportunity waiting for her to do better than how she fared in the other schools.

Hannah’s grandmother reminds Hannah that she must obey the rules and not get into trouble like she has in the previous schools. For some reason Hannah just cannot stop stealing. While things are not perfect at Brookshire for Hannah, she finds Jesus and accepts Him as her Savior. Hannah is helped in this journey of discovery with the coach and his wife and the principal, Olivia Brooks, who all help Hannah in her quest to find Jesus, which she does. This is a beautiful story. I highly recommend it.

Visit your local book store to purchase a copy of this book or for more information and ordering on line click here.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

When You Need to Move a Mountain: Keys to Praying with Power: A Review

I like books about prayer and this new title by Linda Evans Shepherd is an excellent one on this very important subject.

This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us-whatever we ask-we know that we have what we asked of him. 1 John 5:14-15.

To pray more effectively, we must: pray to God, through the mighty name of Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit. We must pray into the will of God, with faith in the power of the blood of Jesus and in agreement with the Word.

The author tells numerous stories of answered prayer, and, also shares some wonderful quotes regarding Gods promises and prayer.

Evangelist Dwight L. Moody once said, “God never made a promise that was too good to be true.”

The best part of partnering with God for our needs is that we can as Martin Luther explained, “Pray and let God worry.”

Max Lucado explained, “God is able to accomplish, provide help, save, keep, subdue…He is able to do what you can’t. He already has a plan. God’s not bewildered. Go to Him.”

Charles Stanley pointed out, “When you have an unmet need, you first need to pray and tell the Lord what you are facing. Prayer is an act of faith. It declares your trust in God and His ability. Many times He allows a need to come so that He can reach you to trust Him in a greater way. No problem is too complicated or too difficult for Him to handle.”

What would happen if you thanked God for his provision yet to come? A prayer like that would demonstrate your trust and faith in God.

I recommend this book. For more information on this book and for information on ordering a copy please click here.

Your Best Destiny-Becoming the person you were created to be: A Review

Wintley Phipps is the author of this very thoughtful book. I am sharing some quotes from others who have commented about this book:

In Your Best Destiny Wintley Phipps takes the problematic portions of life and exposes them as opportunities to create positive outcomes in your own life and the lives of people around you. It is a wonderful tool to encourage everyone to lead a more productive life that contributes to society at large.  Benjamin S. Carson Sr. MD Emeritus professor of neurosurgery, oncology, plastic surgery, and pediatrics, John Hopkins Medicine.

What a wonderful service Wintley Phipps has rendered by reminding us that anyone can experience success God’s way. If you plan to read only one book on success this year, I enthusiastically recommend Your Best Destiny. Barry C. Black Chaplain Unites States Senate

Many Christians spend a great portion of their lives searching for answers to the question, “What is God’s plan for my life?” If you are one of these people, you don’t have to wait any longer. IF you feel like your life is floundering or you are in a “rut” with no way out, then this book is for you. Wintley beautifully and methodically outlines the major principles set forth in Scriptures to help you to realize your best destiny. Danny Shelton-Founder Three Angels Broadcasting Network

Wintley Phipps talks about what he calls Eight essential pillars of our ethos:


Moral Excellence



Patient Endurance


Brotherly Affection


Wintley says:

I believe these eight qualities represent the best in human character, bestowed by God on humanity. Each is a dimension of His ethos that He asks us to pursue. It’s important to remember that God would never ask us to be what He is not. Whatever God asks us to be, He already is-perfectly so. These dimensions reside in their fullness in the character of God, as we can see throughout scripture.

In this book Wintley uses Scripture and many true-life illustrations to help the reader incorporate these important characteristics into their lives.

To watch a short Youtube video with Wintley talking about this book, please click here.

You can purchase this book at bookstores or order online.

“You will be the same in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” Quote from Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

The Hawaiian Quilt: A Review

New York Times Bestselling Author Wanda E. Brunstetter and Daughter-in-Law, Jean, Take Readers to Hawaii on an Amish Woman’s Adventure of a Lifetime.

Mandy has always longed to see Hawaii and she finally has opportunity to take the trip along with three of her best girlfriends. They take the train from Indiana to California and then board a cruise ship which takes them across the Pacific to Hawaii and then from Island to Island. What an adventure! 

Mandy and Ellen are late getting back to the cruise ship after sightseeing on the Island of Kauai- this is where the adventure really continues.   Barbara and Sadie did make it back on the Cruise ship and are surprised and distressed not to find Mandy and Ellen.

They meet a friendly couple also tourists who take them to the Bed and Breakfast where they are staying.  They contact their parents back in Indiana. Makaio and Luana, the Hawaiian couple who operate the Bed and Breakfast take them in. Then Makaio breaks a leg and so they volunteer to stay and help with the Bed and Breaksfast while he is incapacitated.

My wife and I especially enjoyed this book because it reminded us of a cruise we took to the Hawaiian islands about 20 years ago. As in the story, we cruised from island to island upon landing in Hawaii and recognized many of the places that the girls visited. Our vacation to Hawaii was one of the highlights in our lives.

Well you need to read the book to find out the rest of the story. You can click here and listen to an audio of the first chapter.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

WOODLAWN--One Hope, One Dream, One Way: A Review

The true story of high school football coach Tandy Gerelds, a star running back, and the healing of a city.

Gloried Be They Who Strive for the Equality of All Mankind. The mural on the old Woodlawn schoolhouse proclaimed equality, but in the 1960s Birmingham, there was nothing equal about the student body of Woodlawn High School,

When the Jesus Movement hit the scene in the tumultuous seventies, a new chaplain came to Woodlawn High. Hank Erwin challenged Tony Nathan-the football team’s star running back-“to run with a purpose” and help bring his divided team together.

In the 1974 football game of the season, Coach Tandy Gerelds led the Woodlawn Colonels as they played the Banks Jets. Two football heroes faced each other: African American running back Tony Nathan and Caucasian quarterback Jeff Rutledge, Forty-two thousand fans crammed into the stadium for the big game. In the end, Banks won the game, but the bigger win was for the city of Birmingham and for the coaches, players and families who witnessed what teamwork and fighting for a greater cause can do to heal a city.

When you read this true story you will become acquainted actually with two Chaplains that worked with the Woodlawn football team.  Wales Goebel, a new Christian who came to the coach and asked to be able to speak to the football team. He told his story of becoming a Christian and how it changed his life. Then he gave an altar call to the 48 football players and that evening 44 of them gave their hearts to the Lord.  The Coach did not.

However soon as he watched how now his players black and white were happy and got along with each other and played better, he told God I want what my kids have, and he gave his heart to the Lord.

I was inspired to learn that when they went to play the Jets, they invited the Jets team to a church so they could share their experience with Jesus and how that had made them the team that they had become.

Click here to read more about this amazing story and then be sure and get the book as well as the DVD and  read and watch and be inspired.

Rise Above-How one man's search for mobility helped the world get moving: A Review

When Ralph Braun was 6 years old, he was told that he would not live to see his 13th birthday…

Ralph Braun had two options: sit and wait for that prediction to come true or use those words as fuel to prove it wrong. He never gave it a second thought to which path he would choose.

It is a fascinating story how in spite of muscular dystrophy he went to school where sometimes friends had to carry him up the stairs so he could get to his classroom since most schools were not wheel chair accessible in those days.

Then the wheel chair was too slow to get around so he invented a motorized scooter the Tri-Wheler. When the factory where he was working as a quality control inspector moved a few miles away, he outfitted an old postal jeep with hand controls and a hydraulic lift so he could have reliable transportation to and from work regardless of weather conditions.

No matter who the reader, this book offers something for everyone. Ralph Braun’s story is an inspiration to “rise above” any challenge.

Ralph W Braun was founder and CEO of BraunAbility the largest manufacturer of wheelchair lifts and wheelchair accessible vehicles in the world. He was an innovator and pioneer of the mobility industry and passed away in February 2013 at the age of 72!

I found this story extremely inspiring. Please click here to find out how to order this book and help people who need assistance in paying for their wheelchair accessible vehicles.

The Power of a Promise: A Review

Author Ralph L. Ringer talks about Covenants all the way through this book from the preface where he defines a covenant as a two-sided promise and right on through 8 chapters and the Conclusion of the book.

He traces God’s Covenant with His people starting with Adam and Eve, Noah through Abraham, Moses and the Covenant with Israel, The Covenant revealed through Daniel’s writing and introducing the Messiah fulfilling the Covenant. Then he continues with what he calls, First-Generation Covenant Identity Crisis, and the Expanding Family Tree when the Covenant was shared with non-Jewish people right through to where the Conclusion of the Covenant is completed.

The book details the various Covenants (the same covenant we know but expressed in different ways through the ages) that God made with his people providing salvation from sin.

Ralph Ringer states: “God is already committed to his side of the promise.”

Have you accepted the Messiah’s invitation to be a part of this everlasting covenant?

You can read more about this new book including the entire first chapter. Click here.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

My Dearest Dietrich: A Review

I recently read Eric Metaxas’s book Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was quite a person in Hitler’s Germany. I was intrigued when a small mention was made of his fiancĂ©, Maria and, when this book was released telling their story, I was delighted to get a copy.

A staggering love illuminates the dark corners of a Nazi prison. Maria von Wedemeyer knows the heartbreaking realities of war include loved ones who never come back. The last thing this spirited young woman needs is to fall for a man under constant surveillance by the Gestapo. Yet when Dietrich Bonhoeffer, an old family friend comes to comfort the von Wedemeyers after tragic losses, she discovers that love isn’t always logical.

Dietrich himself has determined to keep his distance from romantic attachments. There is too much work to be done for God, and his involvement in the conspiracy to overthrow Hitler’s regime is far too important. But when he encounters a woman whose intelligence and conviction match his own, falling in love may be the bravest step he can take.

With their deep love comes risk--…

It is an extremely fascinating story and quite amazing how in the throes of Nazi Germany they were able to be engaged and encourage each other. Maria visited Dietrich many times in prison. Sadly Dietrich was executed a very short time before the war was over.

The book suggests Dietrich’s influence in life has been greater because of him being martyred.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and highly recommend it. For more information about the book, follow this link .